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Going back to the roots: ubuntu and just conservation in southern Africa
(Wolters Kluwer, 2022) Mabele, Mathew Bukhi; Krauss, Judith E; Kiwango, Wilhelm
Given growing human influence on the earth system's functioning, caring for nature has never been this critical. However, whether for economic interests or ‘wilderness’ preservation, attempts to save nature have been grounded on a Western scientific philosophy of separating it from people's ways of living, especially through ‘protected areas'. Under the banner ‘convivial conservation', which advocates socio-ecological justice and structural transformations in the global economic system, an alternative idea called ‘promoted areas’ has been proposed, advocating for conservation which promotes nature for, to, and by humans. Here, we argue that ‘promoted areas’ are best fitted with decolonial thinking in conservation science and practice. In southern Africa, one available ‘decolonial option’ is Ubuntu philosophy, which is anchored on the ethical principle of promoting life through mutual caring and sharing between and among humans and nonhumans. Ubuntu disengages from western ways of knowing about human–environment interactions, as it is predicated on promoting the many links between humans and nonhumans. From this, we argue that instituted through Ubuntu, ‘promoted areas’ re-initiate a harmony between human beings and physical nature, as practices of individualistic, excessive extractions of nonhuman nature are discouraged, and human–nonhuman relationships based on respect, solidarity, and collaboration are celebrated.
Application of fuzzy Delphi technique to identify analytical lenses for determining the preparation of free and open source software projects for user experience maturity
(Elsevier BV, 2024) Namayala, Phesto P.; Kondo, Tabu S.
User eXperience (UX) significantly influences the success of free and open source software (FOSS) projects and is measured using UX capability maturity models (UXCMMs). Every organization desires higher levels of UX maturity; however, it requires upfront preparations and process quality control. Harmonizing processes and analytical lenses for determining preparation for UX maturity are still challenging, and studies to create them are limited. The analysis is ad hoc and based on the actors’ will and experiences. This study proposes and validates analytical lenses. Findings show that UX experts agreed that the lenses could be used with a consensus percentage of 81 %, the threshold value (d) = 0.112, and crisp values greater than α-cut = 0.5. On validation, 47.57 % of stakeholders agreed, and 52.43 % strongly agreed they were relevant. Results help evaluate the status quo and change culture and policies toward ideal preparation. Two areas are suggested for future research.
Fake review detection techniques, issues, and future research directions: a literature review
(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024) Duma, Ramadhani Ally; Niu, Zhendong; Nyamawe, Ally S.; Tchaye-Kondi, Jude; Jingili, Nuru; Yusuf, Abdulganiyu Abdu; Deve, Augustino Faustino
Recently, the impact of product or service reviews on customers' purchasing decisions has become increasingly significant in online businesses. Consequently, manipulating reviews for fame or profit has become prevalent, with some businesses resorting to paying fake reviewers to post spam reviews. Given the importance of reviews in decision-making, detecting fake reviews is crucial to ensure fair competition and sustainable e-business practices. Although significant efforts have been made in the last decade to distinguish credible reviews from fake ones, it remains challenging. Our literature review has identified several gaps in the existing research: (1) most fake review detection techniques have been proposed for high-resource languages such as English and Chinese, and few studies have investigated low-resource and multilingual fake review detection, (2) there is a lack of research on deceptive review detection for reviews based on language code-switching (code-mix), (3) current multi-feature integration techniques extract review representations independently, ignoring correlations between them, and (4) there is a lack of a consolidated model that can mutually learn from review emotion, coarse-grained (overall rating), and fine-grained (aspect ratings) features to supplement the problem of sentiment and overall rating inconsistency. In light of these gaps, this study aims to provide an in-depth literature analysis describing strengths and weaknesses, open issues, and future research directions.
Exploring the non-linear trajectories of technology adoption in the digital age
(Emerald, 2024) Mambile, Cesilia; Ishengoma, Fredrick
Purpose The objective of this research is to examine the accelerated adoption mechanisms of emerging technologies in information systems. Its goal is to comprehend the drivers behind the prompt assimilation of technology trends such as TikTok, ChatGPT, mobile payment schemes, cryptocurrency and VR. Design/methodology/approach The study follows the systematic literature review methodology (using the PRISMA protocol to guide the selection of scholarly materials from Google Scholar, Scopus and Springer). Specifically, the research draws on identified literature on the adoption trajectories of technologies (ChatGPT, TikTok, cryptocurrency, mobile payment systems, and virtual reality) to systematically assess pertinent insights, and draws on theoretical lenses of Disruptive Innovation Theory to reach interpretations. Findings The study indicates that the prompt assimilation of technology is shaped by several variables such as user-centered design, network effects, content powered through algorithms, viral trends, ease-of-use and accessibility features, engagement levels and retention rates. Research limitations/implications The selection of specific platforms may limit the generalizability of findings. Social implications The emergence of new technologies is causing a shift in societal behaviors and norms, which has significant social implications. While platforms such as TikTok offer opportunities for community-building, there are concerns regarding digital divide and privacy issues that need to be addressed. So understanding the impact of these changes becomes vital for achieving fairness in access and making technology's potential transformation practicalized effectively. Originality/value This research enhances the current body of literature by presenting a thorough examination of the non-linear patterns involved in adopting advanced technologies. By combining knowledge from numerous fields, this study delivers an integrated comprehension regarding what factors prompt swift adoption.
The Nexus of Big Data and Big Data Analytics for Managerial Business Decision-Making: A Systematic Review Analysis
(University of Dar es Salaam, 2024) Didas, Matendo; Chali, Frederick; Elisa, Noe
The growing usage of big data and big data analytics in business has prompted academics and professionals to widen their examination of their implications in business decision-making procedures.  Until now, academics and business leaders have concentrated solely on the technical components of big data and analytics, ignoring the impact they have on the effectiveness of commercial decision-making systems. To begin, this paper intends to review the literature on the study of the relationship between the use of big data and big data analytics for its effectiveness in business industrial decision-making systems. Second, it gives important facts to assess whether big data and big data analytics catalyze the deployment of sophisticated business intelligence and informed decision-making representations. In this regard, the paper identifies the essential concerns that underpin the business-driven decision-making processes such as efficiency, and preciseness among others. Fundamentally, the current work contributes to the literature on big data and big data analytics for business-driven decision-making in both a theoretical fashion and provides a shot for future agenda possibilities to develop knowledge in this area.