Shuma, Christina JeromeBasela, January Marco2021-08-192021-08-192021Shuma, C. J., & Basela, J. M. (2021). Enhancing employability skills among university students through career guidance and counseling. In handbook of research on nurturing industrial economy for Africa’s development (pp. 211-224). IGI GlobalDOI: Full Text available at: chapter explored the role of career guidance and counseling in promoting graduates' employability skills in Tanzania higher learning institutions. A total of 123 respondents were involved. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and focused group discussion. The study revealed that HLIs do not have professionals in career guidance and counseling who are solely employed to offer such services; the task is left to lecturers and wardens. Career guidance and counseling services were also found to be inadequate and not formalized thereby threatening students' acquisition of employability skills. The study recommends that higher learning institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania should see the possibilities of preparing students in various competence areas such as academic excellence, career aspects, personal and social skills. This can only be achieved by establishing comprehensive career guidance and counseling units within the institutions.enCareerEmployability SkillsEmployabilityCareer guidanceCounselingCounseling servicesGraduates employment skillsTanzaniaTanzania higher learning institutionsEnhancing employability skills among university students through career guidance and counselingBook chapter