Rao, G. SAslam, MuhammadKantam, R. R. L2020-11-252020-11-252016Rao, G. S., Aslam, M., & Kantam, R. R. L. (2016). Bootstrap confidence intervals of C Npk for inverse Rayleigh and log-logistic distributions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(5), 862-873.DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2015.1040799http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12661/2603Abstract. Full text available at https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2015.1040799In this article bootstrap confidence intervals of process capability index as suggested by Chen and Pearn [An application of non-normal process capability indices. Qual Reliab Eng Int. 1997;13:355–360] are studied through simulation when the underlying distributions are inverse Rayleigh and log-logistic distributions. The well-known maximum likelihood estimator is used to estimate the parameter. The bootstrap confidence intervals considered in this paper consists of various confidence intervals. A Monte Carlo simulation has been used to investigate the estimated coverage probabilities and average widths of the bootstrap confidence intervals. Application examples on two distributions for process capability indices are provided for practical use.enLog-logistic distributionRayleigh distributionConfidence intervalBootstrap confidence intervalsMaximum likelihood estimateML estimateProcess capability indexCNpkInverse rayleigh distributionBootstrap confidence intervals of CNpk for inverse Rayleigh and log-logistic distributionsArticle