Mathias, Alberto K.Maharaj, Sunil D.Sunzu, Jefta M.Mkenyeleye, Jason M.2022-11-302022-11-302021Mathias, A. K., Maharaj, S. D., Sunzu, J. M., & Mkenyeleye, J. M. (2021). Charged anisotropic models via embedding. Pramana, 95(4), 1-13.URL: Full Text Article Available at: generate exact solutions to the Einstein–Maxwell field equations by analysing the embedding condition. We obtain a relationship between gravitational potentials that helps to solve the embedding condition and integrate the field equations. Our choice of the measure of anisotropy and electric field are physically realistic. Our model contains several previously known solutions as special cases. These include the investigations of interior Schwarzchild metric, Finch and Skea, Hansraj and Maharaj, Feroze and Siddiqui, and Manjonjo, Maharaj and Moopanar. We also describe the structure and properties of the relativistic star by including graphical representations. Our analysis shows that the body is stable, all energy conditions are satisfied, the regularity condition is not violated, forces under equilibrium condition are balanced, all matter variables are well behaved and the matching conditions are satisfied at the boundary of the relativistic star.enEinstein–MaxwellEinstein–Maxwell fieldField equationsAnisotropic modelsEmbedding conditionElectric fieldCharged anisotropic models via embeddingArticle