Ndibalema, Placidius2024-08-172024-08-172023Ndibalema, P. (2023). Barriers to accessibility of learning among minority refugee children: A systematic literature review. Children and Youth Services Review, 107261.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107261https://repository.udom.ac.tz/handle/20.500.12661/4686Full-text article is also available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107261The study examined the barriers to accessibility of learning opportunities among refugee children. A systematic review involved 25 articles that were subjected to thematic content analysis using Atlas.ti software version 22. The results revealed several barriers which included: poor school support, sexual violence from teachers and peers, curriculum gaps between home and host country and unresponsive learning environment. Other barriers were: limited access to teaching materials, classroom space, language and cultural barriers and lack of parental support. There is a need for more evidence-based efforts which aim at creating a responsive learning environment among refugee children in the host countries.enInclusionMinorityTraumaRefugeeVulnerabilityChildrenRefugee childrenSexual violenceTeachersCultural barriersBarriers to accessibility of learning among minority refugee children: A systematic literature reviewArticle10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107261