Pryakhin, AlexeyYukhimets, SergeyChernomortseva, ElenaGesase, Ainory P.2022-12-122022-12-122015Pryakhin, A., Yukhimets, S., Chernomortseva, E., & Gesase, A. P. (2015). Accessory lobes, accessory fissures and prominent papillary process of the liver. Anatomy Journal of Africa, 4(2), 611-616. Full text article available at unreported hepatic variations include accessory fissures, lobes and processes. Variant hepatic fissures further show variations in location and depth. Accessory lobes of the liver have different size, shape, situation, connection with maternal organ. These abnormalities in the anatomy of human liver have the unspecified clinical significance. We described four examples with a combination of accessory lobes, accessory fissures and prominent papillary processes. Clinicians should be aware of such variations to prevent diagnostic and therapeutic misadventures.enLiverLobesFissuresAnatomical structuresHepatic variationsAccessory lobes, accessory fissures and prominent papillary process of the liverArticle