Peter, Cecilia2019-09-052019-09-052011Peter, C. (2011). Promotion of grassroots participation on HIV/AIDS policy formulation in rural Tanzania: a case study of Serengeti district. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma. (MA Development Studies)This study is about promotion of grassroots participation on HIV/AIDS policy formulation in rural Tanzania a case of Serengeti district. Grassroots participation has been done in Tanzania but in HIV/AIDS policy formulation particularly it has never been done. The main problem behind the study is lack of participation for ordinary people in the HIV/AIDS policy, especially in rural areas where only few people have knowledge on the National HIV/AIDS elimination strategies. The aim is to assess the level of grassroots participation in HIV/AIDS policy formulation. Questions had to be answered as follows; people’s perception on HIV/AIDS policy; people’s ways of participation in traditional life; people’s participation on HIV/AIDS policy; and on how should people participate in HIV/AIDS policy. The study implied mixed approach with cross sectional design whereby situation and conclusions concerning the study was derived from the respondents themselves. There were few common challenges mentioned by respondents if the whole community is to be involved in policy formulation process mainly costs and time factors, but they suggest that if they can participate in different social and economic activities successfully, what will hinder participation in policy formulation. Finally, the study suggests that grassroots participation should be a culture and that having policy as an instrument is one best thing but, ordinary people’s participation is more important to make it become successful.Serengeti districtTanzaniaHIVHIV/AIDSAIDSGrassroot participationHIV/AIDS policy formulationHuman Immunodeficiency VirusAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromePromotion of grassroots participation on HIV/AIDS policy formulation in rural Tanzania: a case study of Serengeti districtDissertation