Philemon, Edwin2019-08-292019-08-292013Philemon, E. (2013). Language change in Tanzanian film industry. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma (MA Linguistics)This study aimed at investigating on language change in Tanzanian film industry. The study was guided by three objectives namely: to examine the status of language use in Tanzanian film industry before and after 1961; to examine the factors and reasons for language change in Tanzanian movies; and to investigate the impacts of language change in Tanzanian movies. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City involving movies acted before and after 1961 up to date. Also, the study involved actors and actresses, producers, directors and distributors. The data of the study were collected through documentary review and interview methods. The data collected were analyzed descriptively and comparatively. The findings of the study revealed that the number of movies produced after 1961 in the country in which communication takes place in more than one language has increased substantially. It was also realized from the findings that there are many factors that contribute to the language change in Tanzanian movies which comprise of free economy, sponsors demand, social reality, co-production, complementary kind of translation, contextual factor, and imitation from outside. The study also implied that there are positive and negative impact of language change in Tanzanian movies. For positive impact there is economic gains; and for negative impact there are identity deconstruction and semantic confusion.enLanguage changeFilm industryTanzanian film industryTanzanian moviesLanguage statusLanguage variationDar es Salam cityLanguage change in Tanzanian film industryDissertation