Kitia, Nasoro Erasto2018-10-152018-10-152017Kitia, N. E. (2017). Assessing the influence of school learning environment on girls’ life skills in Tanzanian ward secondary schools. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma (MA Education)The quality of education offered in community secondary schools has been questioned by many scholars and the general public. While it is true that some of the community schools are improving their academic performance, the status of their life skills provision among girls is not well established. This study sought to assess the influence of the learning environment in community secondary schools on girls' acquisition of the necessary life skills for their future life as carers of the society. Four objectives guided this study namely: assessing the informants' understanding of girls' life skills obtainable in the school environment; examining classroom teaching and learning strategies that promote girls' life skills in some selected subjects; identifying the extra-curricular targeting at promoting girls‟ acquisition of life skills and identifying the procedures that are useful in determining the acquisition of life skills among girl students in the environment. The study was conducted in Singida District Council, Singida Region involving three community schools. Participants included three heads of secondary schools, six subject teachers and three guidance and counseling teachers, twenty-four school girls and three school girl leavers. All participants were purposively selected. The semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion, observation and documentary review data collection methods were used to collect data as the study used the qualitative research approach. The study revealed that community secondary schools' environment plays a significant role in promoting life skills among girls. Although informants were in agreement that the school environment was the best avenue for life skills provision, many schools emphasized academics rather than dealing with the promotion of life skills. Overall, the study findings revealed that understanding among the informants regarding the provision of life skills to girls did not necessarily translate into girls acquiring those skills. Secondly, findings show that teaching and learning strategies enhanced girls' life skills acquisition in the school environment. Thirdly, it was revealed that extra-curricular activities promote girls life skills acquisition although schools emphasize mostly on academic achievement. Lastly, the formal assessment was used to determine girls' life skill acquisitionenEducationQuality educationSecondary schoolsPerformanceAcademic performanceLifeLife skillsGirlsLearningLearning enviromentTeachingTeaching and learning strategiesGirls life skillsGirls`studentSingidaHead teachersSubject teachersAssessing the influence of school learning environment on girls' life skills in Tanzanian ward secondary schoolsDissertation