Miraji, HosseinNgassapa, FaustinOthman, Othman ChandeEunice, Mureithi2020-11-242020-11-242020Miraji, H., Othman, O. C., Ngassapa, F., & Eunice, M. (2020). Analytical Perspectives on Emerging Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Ecosystem. In Effects of Emerging Chemical Contaminants on Water Resources and Environmental Health (pp. 68-80). IGI Global.DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1871-7.ch005http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12661/2582Abstract. Full text is available at https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/analytical-perspectives-on-emerging-organic-contaminants-in-the-aquatic-ecosystem/248376This chapter introduces readers to the background of emerging contaminants by defining emerging contaminants and telling their history and their corresponding effects. It describes the dynamic properties of emerging contaminants such as advection and dispersion, chemistry, and their reactivity behavior. Lastly, it tells the analytical methodologies on sample preparation such as solid phase extraction and solid-phase micro-extraction, detection and quantification of organic ECs, and it proposes future perspectives of emerging contaminants.enOrganic contaminantsAquatic ecosystemEmerging organic contaminantsEnvironmental healthEmerging ContaminantsECsAquaticEcosystemAnalytical perspectives on emerging organic contaminants in the aquatic ecosystemBook chapter