Makalanga, L. B.2023-01-032023-01-032021Makalanga, L. B. (2021, August). Participation of Women Local Political Leaders in Water Services in Tanzania. In Applied Research Conference in Africa (pp. 657-666). Springer, Cham.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-90973-4_54 Full text available at: This paper develops a basis for women political leaders’ participation in improving water services. To achieve this, the paper is guided by objectives; to examine the status of water sources, to examine the strategies used by women political leaders and to examine community members’ perceptions on water services in the study councils. Methodology: Descriptive research design was used. A cluster sampling technique was used to obtain 3 wards, 3 villages and 3 mitaa (Mtaa (in singular) Mitaa in (Plural) means a lowest government administrative structure in an urban area in Tanzania which include a number of streets). 390 household heads were drawn from the population and data collected were analyzed and presented in tables. Findings: The findings revealed that, women political leaders influenced decisions affecting the accessibility of water supply. As a result, water sources were improved through different strategies and community members satisfied with the water services provided. Research Implications: The study focused on women political leaders in selected villages/mitaa in local government authorities in Tanzania. Practical Implication: The knowledge advanced in this study will inform women political leaders the capacity they have in influencing decisions related to water services in their respective localities. Social Implication: The information generated from the study, will help decision makers and development practitioners to provide more opportunities where women can contest for community development. Originality: The present study lies in gender and development framework on water services. It inform the government and community at large, the capacity women have in influencing decisions for community services.enWomen leadersWomen political leadersWomen participationWater servicesPolitical participationwomen local political leadersTanzaniaParticipation of women local political leaders in water services in TanzaniaBook chapter