Rosaiah, K.Prasad, S. V. S. V. S. V.Rao, Srinivasa G.2020-11-242020-11-242019Rao, G. S., Rosaiah, K., & Prasad, S. V. S. V. S. V. (2019). New Acceptance sampling plans based on percentiles for type-II generalized log logistic distribution. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 7(4), 131-137.DOI: 10.12691/ajams-7-4-2 text article. Also available at article describes the development of an acceptance sampling plan based on percentiles for Type-II generalized log-logistic distribution (TGLLD) introduced by Rosaiah et. al. [1]. The plan is developed by considering the lifetime percentiles as a variable and the life test will be terminated at a pre-specified time. The objective of the test is to determine the minimum sample size required to achieve a specific lifetime percentile at an acceptable level of consumer and producer risks. Determined the OC values and are presented along with producer risks. The sustainability of the plan is illustrated with real data set.enAcceptance SamplingTruncated life testsType-II generalized log-logistic distributionTGLLDLog logistic distributionLog logisticAcceptance Sampling PlansNew Acceptance Sampling PlansNew Acceptance sampling plans based on percentiles for type-II generalized log logistic distributionArticle