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The influence of country of origin on customers’ purchase intention: a case of made in China consumer goods
(The University of Dodoma, 2023) Riyami, Nadhira Khalid
Country of origin has been found to be one among decision making aids that assist customers in evaluating products and make purchase decisions. It does not only impact purchasing decision, but also may determine success or failure of companies in the international markets. Despite vast research conducted, there is still a question on how it influences the purchase intention of customers toward Made in China goods that are perceived to be counterfeit. This study attempts to fill the research gap by examine the influence of country of origin on customers' purchase intention on Made in China consumer goods in Tanzania, where research is limited. The influence of country of origin have been studied specifically through analyzing its variables i.e. country image, product involvement and product familiarity, and how they impact purchase intention of Made in China electronic products. To achieve these objectives, a cross sectional descriptive survey was done and structured questionnaires were administered to 384 respondents located in Dodoma Urban district, Dodoma region, Tanzania. of those 287 questionnaires were return and could be used for analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was done using structural equation modeling. The results show that customers purchase intentions are highly influenced with country of origin. The study observed that Country image, product involvement and familiarity have positive and significant influence on customers’ purchase intention with β = 0.094, p < 0.006, β = 0.487, p < 0.001 and β= 0.031, p= 0.017 respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that improving country image, creating high level of product involvement and familiarize customers with the products can be a winning strategy to local manufacturers and suppliers in both domestic and international markets. These findings are useful in formulating marketing strategies and could assist in business policy formulation and thus facilitate improvement and promotion of business and industrial sector in Tanzania
Service quality and customer satisfaction: a customer perspective of government procurement services agency in Dodoma city
(The University of Dodoma, 2023) Amani, Jacqueline
Customer satisfaction has been a prominent agenda in service provision for both public and private sectors. Over the years, there has been a complaint with regard to the service quality in the public sector services. Consequently, it is crucial to review public service quality to gain a deeper insight into how they can enhance customer satisfaction. This study aimed at examining the influence of the service quality at Government Agency specifically in the context of Government Procurement Service Agency (GPSA) in Dodoma City. The study comprised of five specific objectives based on the SERVQUAL model were each dimension (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) were assessed to find out how they influence customer satisfaction in the Agency’s services. The study used quantitative research design and cross-sectional design. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire from 137 respondents who were customers of GPSA Dodoma office selected using non-probability sampling using purposive techniques. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics were used to examine the influence of each service quality dimensions to customer satisfaction where the relationship between each dimension and customer satisfaction was tested using simple linear regression model. The findings of regression analysis revealed positive significant relationship among all service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. Specifically, (tangibility (β) =0.532, p<0.001, reliability (β) =0.578, p<0.001, responsiveness 0.546, p<0.001, assurance 0.574, p<0.001 and empathy 0.634, p<0.001. Therefore, this study concludes that the five dimensions of services quality influence customer satisfaction in the context of GPSA in Dodoma city. Priority should be given on improving reliability with little efforts on empathy without neglecting the others falling in between. Further studies are recommended on extending the study to other Government agencies or using a management perspective to examine service quality and customer at GPSA.
The impact of oil price volatility on inflation and economic growth in Tanzania
(The University of Dodoma, 2023) Sabayo, Gibson
The government of Tanzania is current experienced the uneven growth rate of GDP and sometimes leads to failure of attaining the national target this motivate this study conducted to address this problem. Therefore, the study examines the impact of Oil Price Volatility on inflation and economic growth in Tanzania. The research study was guided with the specific objectives as follows: to determine the impact of oil price volatility on economic growth in Tanzania; to examine the impact of Oil Price volatility on inflation in Tanzania; and to determine the causality of oil price volatility between inflation and economic growth in Tanzania. This study employed secondary data from Bank of Tanzania and National Bureau of Statistics. The modelling of time series data was done by using Auto regressive distributed lag model (ARDL). The study found that after controlling the effect of export and import, the oil price volatility has negative impact on economic growth. Furthermore, after controlling the effect of Exchange rate and Interest rate on the inflation rate it was found that the oil price volatility has positive impact on inflation in long run. whenever the oil price volatility increases by one percent the inflation rate increase by the rate of 1.340 percentage. Furthermore, the study found that there is no causality between the oil price volatility and economic growth, also there is a two-way direction of causality between economic growth and inflation rate and Last there is a one-way direction of the causality from the oil price volatility on inflation that is the oil price volatility enhanced the inflation rate. It is now the time of the Government through the Bank of Tanzania to manage the oil price volatility, exchange rate, export and import in order to curb those effects on inflation and economic growth. This study merely recommend that future studies may use quarterly data in order to obtain a larger number of observations that can be analyzed to see their impact on Tanzania's growth domestic product.
Comparative analysis of the effect of traditional and non-traditional exports on economic growth in Tanzania
(The University of Dodoma, 2023) Msalilwa, Fredrick Nakoli
Trade contribution especially foreign trade attracts great attention to the economic Tanzania’s growth has been implementing a variety of trade policy reforms to foreign trade. However, over time, the proportion of exports value has remained persistently low. Various empirical investigations exist on the link between international trade and the nation's economic growth. However, these empirical findings did not distinguish between impact of export diversification on economic growth. Instead, the study investigated the comparative analysis of effect of export diversification on the Tanzania’s economic growth. The study specifically investigated the effect of traditional exports, non-traditional exports, and total exports on economic growth in Tanzania. Also, exchange rate, foreign direct investment, and terms of trade, were used as control variable. The data covering 31 years (1991 to 2021) collected from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Bank and Bank of Tanzania were used. The study employed Johansen test, Granger Causality test, and vector error correction model. The model revealed that, traditional exports are insignificant and positive while non-traditional exports, grand total exports, and terms of trade have a significant and positive effect on economic growth in the long run. Further, the results showed a significant and negative relationship between exchange rates and economic growth in both short-run and long-run outcomes. Terms of trade, traditional export, and non-traditional export have a significant and positive effect on economic growth in the short run. This study concludes that Tanzania's economic growth is significantly influenced by traditional exports; non-traditional exports and grand total exports. According to the findings of the study, it is strongly advised that the Tanzanian government strengthens its export policies, with particular emphasis on non-traditional goods as opposed to traditional exports, as they play a crucial role in fostering the economic development of the country.
The effect of service innovation practices on customer acquisition: a case of savings and credit cooperative societies in Dar es salaam city
(The University of Dodoma, 2023) Antony, Flora
The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of service innovation practices on customer acquisition in Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) in Dar es Salaam City. Specifically, the study assessed the effect of Service conceptualization, service process and customer experience on customer acquisition in SACCOS. A study adopted cross-sectional research design. The sample size for this study was 226 Managers of SACCOS obtained through convenience sampling techniques. The study employed a quantitative research approach to gather and analyze numerical data collected by using closed ended questionnaires and analyzed by using binary logistic regression. Finding confirms effects of Service conceptualization on customer acquisition in SACCOS. By using logistic regression analysis chi-square statistic (LR chi2) yielded a substantial value of 196.96 with 3 degrees of freedom (Prob > chi2 = 0.00), affirming statistical significance. Furthermore, the pseudo-R-squared value of 0.63 indicated a model fit, elucidating approximately 63% of the variability in customer acquisition. Study findings also firmly concluded that service processes significantly affect customer acquisition in SACCOS. In the context of this objective, analysis provided crucial insights, backed by robust statistical evidence. The LR chi-square statistic yielded a highly significant value of 266.46 with 3 degrees of freedom (Prob > chi2 = 0.00), confirming statistical significance. Moreover, the model displayed an impressive pseudo-R-squared value of 0.85, effectively explaining approximately 85% of the variability in customer acquisition. Lastly customer experience effect customer acquisition in SACCOS. Analysis revealed critical factors, underpinned by robust statistical evidence. The LR chi-square statistic displayed a highly significant value of 264.16 with 3 degrees of freedom (Prob > chi2 = 0.00), confirming statistical significance. Furthermore, the pseudo-R-squared value of 0.84 indicated that the model effectively explained approximately 84% of the variability in customer acquisition. In conclusion, the research provides valuable insights for SACCOS on enhancing service modification, optimize the service process, innovation in customer touch points and enhancing new customer experiences can significantly impact customer acquisition.