Combating climate change in Kenya: efforts, challenges and opportunities

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Marsland Press
Increase in emissions of CO2 gas and other greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane, nitrous oxide, CFC, HCFC and halogens into the atmosphere has led to the overall rise in mean global temperature over the years and the resultant climate change. Key anthropogenic activities responsible include fossil fuel combustion and land -use changes especially tropical deforestation. For developing countries such as Kenya, climate change is a threat to livelihood support systems. Kenya is currently experiencing the effect of climate change especially variation in weather patterns. Prolonged drought and famine has currently left over 10 million people faced with starvation, while floods and resurgence of pests and diseases have been noted in other parts of the country. Widespread poverty, inadequate socio-economic resources and a large climate -dependent agricultural sector makes the country vulnerable to the vagaries of climate change and ill-equipped to adapt to the long-term changes in climate. In spite of these, Kenya has embarked on various measures to mitigate climate change such as adoption of clean development mechanism, reaforestation and spread of green technology. This research focused on Kenya’s effort hitherto in combating climate change, the challenges thereon and opportunities for improvement.
Abstract. Full text article available at
Climate change, Kenya, Greenhouse gases, Adaptation, Mitigation, CO2 gas, Gas, Mitigate climate change, Combating climate change
Omambia, A. N., Shemsanga, C., & Li, Y. (2009). Combating climate change in Kenya: efforts, challenges and opportunities. Report and Opinion, 1(6), 12-23.