Optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis of infectious coryza disease epidemic model
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International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy
This paper concentrates on the dynamics, control measure and cost-effectiveness analysis of Infectious Coryzadisease (ICD). We examined the boundedness of ICD model in the. Different controls types used to determine the optimal level of strategy that decreases the spreads of the diseases as well as the cost of implementation of the control. Simulation of different variables of the model was performed to justify the analytical results and we have used Pontryagin's maximum principle to derive necessary conditions for the optimal control of the disease. The cost-effectiveness analysis results show that an optimal effort on vaccination and treatment are the most cost-effective strategies to combat the epidemic of Infectious Coryza with limited resources. Therefore, ICD can is controlled if the farmers will use vaccination and treatment control properly.
Abstract. Full text is available at http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ijesm&volume=8&issue=8&article=006
Infectious Coryza diseases, Optimal control, Cost-effectiveness, ICD, Infectious Diseases, Infectious Coryza, Coryza disease
Hugo, A., & Lusekelo, E. (2019). Optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis of infectious coryza disease epidemic model. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 8(8), 65-86.