Software based traffic separation at the access layer

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Scholastic Scientific Publishing
Access Network is the subscriber part of the telecommunications network or the network connecting the subscribers to the Internet Service Providers (ISP) [1]. In many countries including Tanzania access network is still predominantly made up of the copper cable based or other point to point wireless connections. This has kept the network in large proportions passive, inflexible and relatively unreliable [2]. This traditional network has long been tailored to the services generally provided i.e. voice, leased lines, Internet, corporate data and video conference, sometimes each provided by separate equipment and networks. This paper presents the study on approaches used by ISP in Tanzania to separate traffic in the access network. The paper also presents the effective way of traffic separation, whereby multiple hardware used to separate traffic currently has been replaced with single hardware. The traffic separation technique is based on creating logical links (software based) for each traffic type inside single physical link, providing a differentiated QoS support for each type of traffic according to its individual QoS requirements
Abstract. Full text article available at
Access network, QoS parameters, ISP, Internet service providers, Telecommunications network, Tanzania access network
Andegelile, Y., & Mtonyole, N. (2014). Software based Traffic Separation at the Access Layer. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol. 4 (7).