Development and standardization of the scale for assessing school heads Instructional Supervisory Behavior (SHISB) in Tanzania secondary schools

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This article informs, empirically, the procedures for developing a validated scale for assessing the school heads instructional supervisory behavior. Based on a scrupulous literature review of the seminal works and models of instructional supervision, 14- valid items were grouped into four major dimensions and validated with the aid of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The reliability of the scale was determined by estimating reliability coefficient on a sample of 53 secondary school teachers who assessed their school heads. Both Cronbach’s Alpha and Composite Reliability Coefficient were estimated to determine the reliability coefficient. The estimated reliability coefficients were 0.85 and 0.93 respectively. These coefficients were adequate for the scale. Besides, face validity was established by integrating the experts’ and other practitioners’ comments on the language ambiguity, vagueness and subjectivity. Further, content validity was established by evaluating the relevance of the items in relation to the concepts of different dimensions and the actual subject matter. Importantly, the construct validity in terms of convergent validity was also established. Eventually, the fitness of the school heads instructional supervisory behavior model was tested by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (EFA) with Structural Equation Modeling and confirmed that the school heads’ instructional supervisory behavior scale can be used in Tanzania school context.
Abstract. Full text article available at
Instructional Supervisory Behavior, School Heads, Exploratory Factor Analysis, EFA, Secondary schools, Supervisory behavior, Behavior model
Ali, H. D. (2017). Development and Standardization of the Scale for Assessing School Heads Instructional Supervisory Behavior (SHISB) in Tanzania Secondary Schools.International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sociology and Humanities, 2(6), 1-7