Commercial motorcyclists and road safety measures compliance. A case study of Dodoma city, central Tanzania

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Objective: Road traffic accidents have been reported to contribute a greater proportion of deaths. Motorcyclists are among the high-risk group within road users to succumb to road traffic accidents. Road traffic accidents reflect the co-occurrence of multiple causes that involve road infrastructure, vehicle, and people. Understanding the level of compliance with road safety measures and their associated factors among commercial motorcyclists is important approach in the steps towards road traffic accident prevention. Study design: A cross-sectional study of commercial motorcyclists from two districts in Dodoma region was conducted in 2020. Methods: Multistage sampling method was used to recruit motorcyclists from registered parking stations. At first stage, purposive sampling was used to select the two districts, while in the second stage simple random sampling by lottery method was employed in the selection of wards and parking stations. Descriptive and Chi-square test analyses determined the compliance level. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the associated factors. Results: A total of 378 male commercial motorcyclists participated in the study. Majority (87.8%) were within the age range of 18–29 years. A significant proportion of participants (61.9%) had adequate knowledge and 59.5% showed positive attitude towards road safety measures. Only 39.7% reported to have good level of compliance with road safety measures. Married motorcyclists and those with good road safety practice regarding road safety measures were more likely to comply with road safety measures than their counterpart. Conclusion: Good road safety practices and marital status were predictors of good compliance with road safety measures. Coordinated approaches, including continuing provision of road safety education and enforcement of road safety measures are needed to control the way motorcyclist behave on the road.
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Commercial motorcyclists, Road safety measures, Compliance, Central Tanzania, Dodoma city, Road traffic accidents, Road safety, Traffic, Road traffic
Nzuchi, J. S., Ngoma, S. J., & Meshi, E. B. (2022). Commercial motorcyclists and road safety measures compliance. A case study of Dodoma city, central Tanzania. Heliyon, 8(8), e10297.