Frequency response and power dissipation of RC coupled CE amplifier by using series and parallel network of like transistors

The RC-coupled small-signal amplifier is a widely used circuit that serves as a basic building block in electronic circuits. The study of amplifier circuits with various component modifications may yield important results that can be utilized to improve circuit designs based on application needs. Using the Pspice 9.5.2 simulation tool, a study of a BJT-based CE amplifier is carried out to determine the dependence of frequency response, bandwidth, maximum voltage gain, power dissipation, input impedance, and other parameters while using a network of BJTs coupled in parallel and in series from Q1 to Qn.
Abstract. Full Text Article is available at
Transistors, Parallel network, Power dissipation, Coupled CE amplifier, CE amplifier, Simulation too, BJT-based CE amplifier
Tiwari, S. N., Khadarabad, G. M., Pandey, A. K., Dwivedi, A., Pandey, S. P., & Singh, V. (2023). Frequency response and power dissipation of RC coupled CE Amplifier by using series and parallel network of like transistors. In Macromolecular Symposia, 407 (1)