To assess the determinants of family planning uptake among women of reproductive age in rural settings, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Protocol for a cross-sectional study

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Background Maternal health outcomes in Tanzania had continued to be of great concern. According the Tanzania Demographic and Health surveys, maternal mortality is still unacceptable higher. Effective use of family planning is reported to prevent maternal deaths by more than 30%. However, the prevalence of family planning uptake is still lower especially in rural areas of this country despite the fact that family planning services are provided freely and at a subsidized cost in all public and private health care facilities respectively. The broad objective is to assess the determinants of family planning uptake among women of reproductive age in rural settings, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. This study will be a cross-sectional study that will be conducted in rural areas of Morogoro Region. Study population will be women of reproductive age. Qualitative and quantitative approaches will be used to collect the data. Sampling techniques will involve stratification of urban and rural wards, simple and systematic random sampling for selection wards and households respectively and kish selection table for the selection one participant from a household. Purposive sampling will be applied to get participants for qualitative data. Data collection will be done by using semi-structured questionnaire and interview guide. Frequencies, percentages, chi-square test and logistic regression will be used to analyze the quantitative data whereas codes and themes formation will be used to analyze the qualitative data
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Family planning, Reproductive age, Rural settings, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Maternal deaths, Rural areas
Machange, M. D., & Munyogwa, M. J. (2022). To assess the determinants of family planning uptake among women of reproductive age in rural settings, Morogoro Region, Tanzania. Protocol for a cross-sectional study. Plos one, 17(4), 1-8