Convivial conservation: from principles to practice

Global biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate, leading to calls for urgent change in how humans govern, conserve, and live with non-human species. It is argued that this change must be radical and transformative, and must challenge the structures and systems that shape biodiversity conservation. This book brings together a diverse group of authors to explore the potential for transforming biodiversity conservation, focusing on one particular proposal called convivial conservation: a vision, framework, and set of principles for a more socially just, democratic and inclusive form of biodiversity governance. Drawing on a rich mix of disciplinary perspectives and diverse case studies centering on human-wildlife interactions, the authors demonstrate the potential for transformation in biodiversity conservation that supports human-wildlife coexistence. The authors argue that this desired transformation will only be possible if the status quo is truly disrupted, and that convivial conservation has the potential to contribute to this disruption. However, convivial conservation must evolve in response to, and in harmony with, a plurality of ideas and perspectives, and resist becoming another top-down mode of conservation. To this end, a rich mix of visions, ideas, and pathways are put forward to move convivial conservation from principles to practice. The wealth of ideas offered in this collection provides important insights for students, academics, policy-makers, conservation professionals, and anyone who wants to think differently about biodiversity conservation and explore how it can be transformed towards a more just and abundant future.
Abstract. Full-text available at
Global biodiversity, Biodiversity decline, Convivial conservation, Biodiversity governance, Human-wildlife coexistence, Social justice, Democratic conservation, Inclusive conservation, Transformative change, Biodiversity conservation, Human-wildlife interactions, Plurality of perspectives, Conservation principles, Policy-making, Conservation professionals.
Massarella, K., Krauss, J. E., Kiwango, W. A., & Fletcher, R. (2023). Convivial conservation: from principles to practice.