Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adherence to Utilization of Antiretroviral Therapy for People Living With HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of Dodoma Municipal and Kongwa District–Tanzania

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The University of Dodoma
This study aimed to assess the socio-economic factors influencing adherence to utilization of Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Dodoma Municipality and Kongwa District in Tanzania. Documentary review, questionnaire, interview and Focus Group Discussion were used in collecting data. A total of 140 respondents (99 PLHIVs and 41 key informants) from six health facilities were selected and interviewed as representatives for the purpose of this study. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed by using SPSS software. Research findings indicate three main socio-economic factors influencing adherence to utilization of ART services among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV/AIDS). These were lack of employment support (66.7 %,) lack of confidentiality (50 %,) patient‟s preference to traditional medicines (30%) and cultural belief (29.3%) The study revealed that majority (91%) of PLHIV/AIDS use ART services. This implies that large number of people they are aware on the importance of early adherence to ARV. Few people did not adhere to ARV because of negligence, busy schedules and poor diet. Social- economic challenges which affect PLHIV in accessing quality ART services include stigmatization, poor diet and fear of being seen by other people during use of ART tablets, transport problems and lack of permanent residence. This study recommends the following as strategies to be undertaken to increase ART adherence; provision of ART education, enrollment of PLHIV clients in community support groups, and referring clients to Income Generating Activities (IGA).
Dissertation (MA Development Studies)
Anti Retroviral Therapy, ART, HIV, AIDS, ART adherence, Anti Retroviral Therapy tablets, ART intake, ART education, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Human Immune deficiency Virus, Tanzania Commission for AIDS, Dodoma Municipality, Kongwa district, Anti Retroviral Therapy services
Kusunya, E. (2015). Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adherence to Utilization of Antiretroviral Therapy for People Living With HIV/AIDS: A Case Study of Dodoma Municipal and Kongwa District–Tanzania (Masters Dissertation). The University of Dodoma, Dodoma.