Master Dissertations


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    Pre-retirement training programme in enhancing skills to prospective retirees: a case of Tanzania national roads agency (TANROADS)
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Siao, Geofrey O.
    This study evaluated how well TANROADS's pre-retirement training programme improved the life skills of prospective retirees. It focused on three key objectives: to examine the pre-retirement training programme offered to TANROADS employees; to ascertain the degree to which pre-retirement training programme imparts necessary life skills to TANROADS prospective retirees; and to assess the programme's difficulties. The Developmental Tasks Theory and the Human Capital Theory served as the study's guiding theories. The study was carried out at the TANROADS offices in Dar es Salaam. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and focus groups discussion after then were analyzed thematically to generate themes and subthemes that are counted as findings of the study. The analysis of the data obtained revealed that TANROADS routinely conducted preretirement training for prospective retirees. Additionally, it was shown that participants in pre-retirement training programme receive instructions in a variety of life skills. People are exposed to different skills related to retirement. These include self-assurance in managing retirement life, investment skills, business abilities, and attention to maintaining one's health. Further, it was revealed that pre-retirement training programmes frequently face issues with funding, coordination and employees’ attitudes about retirement. Budget constraints and a lack of coordination are caused by a lack of a legal framework that could regulate and direct the preretirement training programme. It was determined that pre-retirement training programme needed to be legalized by the government through the adoption of legislation that would set down rules and a framework for how such training might be created, carried out, and assessed. The law must outline the length and frequency of training sessions. Further, TANROADS and the government as a whole must provide sufficient funds each financial year to support pre-retirement training programme for TANROADS employees as well as public sector workers nationwide.
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    Contribution of training programmes to employees’ performance in Tanzania: a case of Dodoma urban water supply and sanitation authority.
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Sasya, I. S.
    The study focused on the contribution of Training Programmes to Employees’ Performance in Tanzania, drawing experience from the Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (DUWASA). The study was guided by four specific objectives: to determine the types of training programmes for DUWASA employee’s performance, the contribution of training programmes to employee performance and the challenges of training programmes on DUWASA employee performance. The study adopted a case study design accompanied by a mixed research approach. Data were collected from 70 sampled respondents who were sampled through purposive and random sampling procedures. Data were collected through a questionnaire, and interviews, and documentary review. The qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis and quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive analysis with the help of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings revealed that a majority of respondents (77.9%) reported to have attended training on water meter reading programme, while 66% had attended underground laying of water pipes. A large majority (97.1%) reported that DUWASA’s training programmes were not sufficient to contribute to employee performance since employees still could not accomplish the tasks on time and quality services did not improve (42.9%). The study concludes that the current training programmes do not contribute the required employees’ performance at DUWASA. The major training programme challenges to DUWASA employees’ performance are shortage of funds that limited DUWASA’s capacity to handle the training programmes. The study recommends that DUWASA need to allocate financial resources for employees’ performance through training programmes. The study recommends the Ministry of Water to provide training facilities which DUWASA training programmes require for employees’ performance. Also, effective training programmes to employees are a tool that would enhance DUWASA employees’ performance to reach the intended goals of producing and supplying sufficient water to its customers.
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    Blue economy discourses for effective ocean governance: a case of Zanzibar
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Said, S. S.
    Blue economy is a popular concept in modern marine and ocean governance. It seeks to establish sustainable practices for ocean resources and use the opportunities found in the oceans to enhance social and economic development. Yet, stakeholders co-opt this concept in competing and often contesting ways. This study examined the blue economy discourses among stakeholders for effective ocean governance in Zanzibar. The study involved the bureaucrats from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries (MoBEF), politicians (Ministers and Members from the House of Representative - Zanzibar, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and citizens. Data were collected through Key Informant Interviews (KII), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and documentary reviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings show that the participants from the four categories (bureaucrats, politicians, NGOs and citizens) hold four main blue economy discourses for ocean governance: sustainable use of marine resources for socio-economic development while preserving the environment, political slogan used by the political leader to amass power; an instrument for protecting and preserving marine resources and ecosystems; and a system of economics that will bring money to all Zanzibaris. Overall, the findings indicate that effective ocean governance in Zanzibar requires full participation and coordination of all stakeholders from the government institutions, private sectors, civil society orgnisations and the local community. To ensure that the blue economy policy of 2020 delivers impact to the socio-economic development of Zanzibar, the government needs to re-examine its strategy to implement the blue economy policy. In particular, stronger coordination between and among the government departments, ministries, directories, units and agencies is needed to ensure synergies and coherence in policy implementation. A more suitable interventions is to devise a comprehensive strategic short and long term training and sensitization programme to all stakeholders in Zanzibar on blue economy as an economic concept, a policy and administrative tool to achieve government objectives on blue and goals. Based on the findings, this study recommends that the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (RGoZ) needs to assess the outcome of the blue economy awareness programmes that have been done in grassroots, needs to devise strategies to ensure that citizens are practically involved in the implementation of blue economy policy and needs to create platforms to share information about the Zanzibar Blue Economy Policy.
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    Mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa waswahili katika riwaya ya kiswahili zama za utandawazi: mifano kutoka riwaya teule
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Masimo, D. B.
    Tasnifu hii ni matokeo ya utafiti uliofanywa kuhusu “Mkengeuko wa Utamaduni wa Waswahili katika Riwaya ya Kiswahili Zama za Utandawazi”. Riwaya zilizochunguzwa ni miongoni mwa zilizoandikwa katika zama za utandawazi ambazo ni: Rais Anampenda Mke Wangu na Almasi za Bandia. Pia, utafiti ulichunguza riwaya zilizoandikwa kabla ya utandawazi ili kupata picha ya jinsi utamaduni wa Waswahili ulivyokuwa kwa wakati huo. Riwaya hizo ni: Mirathi ya Hatari na Kurwa na Doto. Utafiti huu ulichunguza namna mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa Waswahili unavyojitokeza katika riwaya teule za Kiswahili tofauti na vyanzo vingine kama redio, televisheni na mitandao ya kijamii kwa kuwa riwaya hizo zimesawiri kwa uhalisia mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa Waswahili. Utafiti uliongozwa na malengo mahususi matatu: Mosi, kubainisha vipengele vya utamaduni wa Waswahili katika riwaya teule za Kiswahili kabla ya utandawazi. Pili, kufafanua namna mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa Waswahili unavyojitokeza katika riwaya teule za zama za utandawazi. Tatu, kutathimini athari za mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa Waswahili katika riwaya ya Kiswahili zama za utandawazi. Utafiti uliongozwa na nadharia mbili: Nadharia ya Sosholojia na nadharia ya UbaadaUkoloni. Nadharia ya Sosholojia ilitumika kuchunguza vipengele vya utamaduni wa Waswahili vilivyopo katika riwaya teule. Pia, nadharia ya Ubaada Ukoloni ilitumika katika kuangalia mabadiliko yaliyochangiwa na taathira za ukoloni katika nchi zilizotawaliwa na wakoloni. Njia zilizotumika kukusanya data ni usaili na uchanganuzi matini. Njia ya usaili ilitumia sampuli ya wanafunzi na wahadhiri kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma kulingana na mwongozo wa maswali ya utafiti huu. Pia, uchanganuzi wa matini ulipitia riwaya teule za Kiswahili ambazo zilichanganuliwa kulingana na malengo ya utafiti. Utafiti ulifanyikia katika mkoa wa Dodoma. Data zilikusanywa katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma katika Ndaki ya Insia na Sayansi za Jamii. Matokeo ya utafiti yamebaini kuwapo kwa mkengeuko wa utamaduni wa Waswahili katika vipengele vya lugha, ndoa, imani za kidini, kifo, maadili na mavazi. Utafiti huu umetoa mchango mpya kwa jamii kwa kuonyesha namna riwaya ya Kiswahili inavyokuwa wakala mmojawapo wa kukengeusha utamaduni wa Waswahili katika zama za utandawazi mbali na vyanzo vingine kama filamu, mitandao ya kijamii, redio na televisheni ambavyo vinachangia kumomonyoa maadili katika jamii.
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    Linguistic variations among dialects of Kirombo
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Julius, A. T.
    This study investigated the linguistic variations among dialects of Kirombo. It specifically examined the phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactical, and semantic variations, and explored the sources of linguistic variations among dialects of Kirombo. The study employed a qualitative approach to collect data from four divisions of Rombo District, namely, Useri, Mashati, Mkuu and Mengwe. Non-probability sampling procedure was used in the whole study to select Rombo District and the four divisions, households and informants for the interviews and elicitations. The sample size for the study was 45 informants who were determined by saturation point. Informed by Labov’s Variationist Theory, data were gathered through interviews and elicitations. Data were analysed through Praat Software, lexicostatistics, parsing, and thematic coding approach. The findings revealed that sound variations, tone, length and intensity are the main phonological aspects through which these dialects vary. The present continuous tense marking morphemes also lead to variations at the morphological level while 10.2% of the studied words are lexically different. At the syntactic level, all dialects of Kirombo are similar in word order for declarative, negative and interrogative sentences with SVO constructions. On the other hand, various semantic fields have shown variations in some dialects, and different taboo words have shown variations in their meaning. Furthermore, the Mangi ruling systems and enmity, nature of geographical areas, social beliefs, distance and origin of elders were revealed to be the sources of linguistic variations among Rombo speakers. The study recommends linguists to conduct research on other Bantu languages that have not been extensively researched, particularly, on the aspects of linguistic variations to enrich the Bantu languages’ body of knowledge.
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    The effectiveness of e-office system on performance of public institutions in Tanzania: a case of the president’s office public service management and good governance
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Abdallah, S. K.
    The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the e-office system on the performance of public institutions in Tanzania: A case of the President’s Office Public Service Management and Good Governance (POPSMGG). Likewise, the specific objectives guided the study were to determine the extent to which the e-office system is used at PO PSMGG, to assess the impact of using the eoffice system at PO PSMGG, and to examine the challenges faced in using the eoffice system at PO PSMGG. The Resource-Based View theory guided the study. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. A total of 132 participants participated in this study, equal to an 86.8% response rate. The study employed questionnaires and interview methods to collect data. The study used qualitative and quantitative research approaches for data analysis. The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents (58%) reported using eoffice to perform their work. The findings revealed that most of the respondents (86%) used e-office regularly and for all office activities. Regarding the impact of the e-office system, the study results indicated that the e-office system increases efficiency in the service delivery, facilitates serving of many customers at once, saves time, is a quick way to give feedback, and cost reduction by minimising errors and paper and pen usage, which is a bit cumbersome to manage, improve team member accountability and effectiveness and simplifies the tracking of letters when needed On identifying the challenges of the e-office system at PO PSMGG, the findings revealed that most of the respondents (71%) disagreed with the statement that there was a lack of adequate ICT infrastructure, a lack of willingness to use the system, lack of technical personnel and poor internet. However, issues such as unreliable power supply, security concerns, and technology dependency were some challenges the study participants mentioned and should be taken into consideration for e office effectiveness. The study recommends that PO PMSGG increase e-office training frequency to familiarise employees with existing and new knowledge of the e-office system. Also, there is a need to make the e-office system available for the staff who would be working outside their workplace. Furthermore, the study recommends that there is a need to ensure that public institutions implement serious security measures to secure the confidential information of the organisations. Based on the positive impact of the use of e-office system it is high time that the Local Government Authorities and other government institutions which have not started using the e-office system should start using it. This is because the system has shown positive impact specifically in the area of records management for the purpose of improving performance in the government institutions.
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    Role of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in promoting the children’s right to education in Tanzania: a case study of selected NGOs in Dodoma city
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Nyaisa, Fabianus B.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in promoting the children’s rights to education in Tanzania. This was flanked by three specific objectives which assessed the strategies, achievements and challenges that faced NGOs in promoting children’s right to education. The descriptive research design was employed by using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data were generated from four key informants who were purposively sampled. Systematic sampling technique was also used to select teachers, parents/guardians and pupils/students. Data collection methods included interview, questionnaire, observation and documentary review. The data were analyzed with the help of Microsoft excel and content analysis. The study revealed that the most prominent strategy employed by NGOs in the promotion of children’s right to education in Dodoma city was the provision of food followed by health and nutrition services and provision of teaching-learning facilities. The provision of school uniform and information technology facilities were least strategies used in promotion of children’s right to education. The study also revealed that the most profound achievement by the NGOs in promoting children’s right to education included the provision of school supportive facilities, improvement of learning environment to attract learners to learn, and educating parents of the importance of education. The participation in formulating and changing of education policy and the eradication of child labour were the least achievement by NGOs in promoting children’s right to education in Dodoma city. The study further revealed that lack of government support, poor legal framework, poor community awareness, lack of skilled personnel and lack of financial support were the challenges that faced NGOs in promoting children’s right to education. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) needed to involve the private sector when it comes to policy implementation on education; the Government should also ensure that education fits all kinds of people, including the disabled of which is possible with NGOs active involvement; and the Government should eliminate all negative cultural values such as early marriage that deter the promotion of children’s right to education. It was also recommended that further studies could be undertaken on how policy issues influence the promotion of the child’s right to education in Tanzania; and how socio-economic and cultural issues affect the provision of child right to education in Dodoma City.
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    Forecasting the tourist arrivals at Serengeti national park in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Mbisse, Rose Z.
    Tourism activities are beneficial worldwide both socially and commercially and Tanzania is not exceptional. The sustainability of these benefits depends on the continuity increase in the number of tourists. This increasing flow of tourists is the product of tourist’s satisfaction of which among other factors is a pre-plan of activities. This study aimed at forecasting of Tourist Arrivals at Serengeti National Park in Tanzania using the time series analysis. The study adopted a longitudinal research design, with the monthly secondary data from January 2001 to December 2017 obtained from the Tanzania National Park Agency (TANAPA). The forecasting process was led up by analyzing data which showed indicators of non-stationary. The findings indicate that both local and foreign tourists increase over years at the SENAPA. The Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models was adopted in answering objectives. The Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) was involved in the selection of the best forecasting models for tourists’ arrivals. It was found that the ARIMA (0, 1, 2), ARIMA (2, 1, 2), and ARIMA (2, 1, 1) were a fit for domestic, foreign, and the combined tourist arrivals data respectively. The findings revealed an increasing positive trend which means that in the forecasted period of 24 months from January 2018 to December 2019, the number of tourists will rise. The study recommends the use of other different models in order to make comparison of model results.
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    Politeness in casual conversations in matengo language
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Kumburu, Ezekiel
    Recently, studies on politeness have been increasing in most of the world’s languages. This study analysed politeness in the casual conversations in the Matengo language. It intended to achieve three specific objectives which include, to examine face threatening acts in casual conversations in matengo, to investigate linguistic strategies used to express politeness in Matengo, to examine non-linguistic acts used to express politeness in casual conversations in Matengo.The study employed qualitative approach to collect data from four wards of Mbinga District, namely Mikalanga, Maguu, Litembo, and Mpapa. The purposive sampling procedure was used to select Mbinga district and four wards (Mikalanga, Maguu, Mpapa and Litembo), households and informants for the follow up interviews. The sample size for the study was 46 informants and 10 transcripts of naturally occurring conversations. Informed by Brown and Levinson’s Theory of Linguistic Politeness and Interactional Sociolinguistic Approach, data were gathered through the collection of naturally occurring conversations and participant observations followed by follow-up interviews. Data were analysed through thematic coding approach. The findings revealed that requests, advices, refusals, cheating, insults and orders are face-threatening acts in Matengo. It was also revealed that plural personal pronouns, particle oti „please,‟ diminutive morpheme ka (singular) with its variant tu (plural) and proper address terms are linguistic strategies used to express politeness in Matengo society. Further, silence, eye contact, gestures (handshake, nodding and waving), sitting down and smile were revealed to be non-linguistic acts used to express politeness in casual conversations in Matengo society. The study recommends that linguists should conduct researches on other Bantu languages that are not extensively researched, particularly on the area of politeness to come up with plausible generalization among cultures and ethnic community languages.
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    Stakeholders’ perceptions on educational resources for pupils with hearing impairments in unit primary schools in Manyara region - Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Eveta, Augustino
    The purpose of this study was to explore the stakeholders’ perceptions on educational resources for pupils with hearing impairments in unit primary schools in Manyara region in Tanzania. The study specifically examined the stakeholders’ perceptions on the availability of educational resources in unit primary schools for pupils with hearing impairment, explored stakeholders’ perceptions on utilisation of educational resources for pupils with HI in unit primary schools, and investigated the support unit primary schools get from benefactors in improving availability and utilisation of educational resources for pupils with hearing impairment. This study was guided by Conservation Theory. The study approach was qualitative using case study design. Data were collected from two primary schools in Manyara region, through documentary review, observation, interview and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was used in analysing the data. The findings indicated that schools were being faced with scarcity of educational resources such as resource rooms, audiometer machines, special classes installed with audio - recording systems, as well as shortage of teaching and supporting staff. Moreover, the study found that the available resource room was not used, while sign language dictionaries, textbooks and charts were well utilised and teachers had multiple roles to perform other than teaching. The findings also revealed that the main schools’ benefactors were Lutheran Missionaries, Rotary Tanzania Club, Teachers Trade Union, Commercial and Rural Development Bank, National Microfinance Bank and Swedish International Development Agency and Sense International. The mentioned benefactors were part and parcel in providing teaching and learning hearing materials more than professional development for teachers. Based on the findings, the study recommends that, school administration should take initiatives to raise and acquire funds from stakeholders to prepare and buy educational resources for pupils with hearing impairments. Besides, the government should employ specialists for pupils with hearing impairments as note-takers, audiologists, and speech and language therapists so as help teachers to focus on academic activities. Therefore, educational benefactors as the part and parcel in provision of hearing educational resources also should provide technical support of trained Sign language special needs teachers to maintain and fit electronics hearing facilities to pupils with hearing impairments in unit primary schools
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    Effect of conditional cash transfer on educational outcomes in Dodoma region, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Chalamila, Dostea
    This study focused on the effect of conditional cash transfer (CCT) on educational outcome in Chamwino District in Dodoma, Tanzania. Specifically, it explored the level of compliance to educational conditionalities among CCTs beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries; to investigate the effect of CCTs on school enrolment in primary and secondary education, to assess the effect of CCTs on attendance in primary and secondary education and to determine the effect of CCTs on primary and secondary education completion. An embedded mixed-methods design was employed. A cross sectional survey among 210 CCTs beneficiary and non-beneficiary households was conducted. Concurrently, in-depth interviews were conducted among 12 key informants. Descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression were performed on data obtained from household survey. Data from in-depth interviews was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. The research reveals that, CCT compliance was low especially among the male headed households compared to female headed households. Logistic regression indicated that there was positive but not significant difference between beneficiary and non-beneficiary households in terms of school aged children enrollment in school. Further, there was no significant difference on school attendance over the past 12 months among children from beneficiary and non-beneficiary households. The study also found no significant difference on completing the enrolled education cycle among children from beneficiary and non-beneficiary households. It is concluded that CCTs positively assist in enrollment, attendance and school completion but the mechanisms in place does not adequately ensure the basic education survival rate. Finally, the study recommends establishing of institutional linkages which may facilitate the mechanisms which will ensure not only transition from primary to secondary school but also survival rate in both levels.
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    Urbanization and water service delivery in Tanzania: a case of Dodoma urban water supply and sanitation authority (DUWASA)
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Christopher, Kasunzu
    Urbanization in Tanzania offers some potentiality for structural transformation, improved service delivery and agglomeration economies that can accelerate human and economic development. The study was primarily intended to assess the urbanization and water service delivery in Tanzania with a focus on DUWASA. Four specific objectives guided this study. These were: to assess the condition of water service delivery, to determine the factors for urbanization, to examine the impacts of urbanization on water service delivery, and to suggest the strategies for urbanization and water service delivery in Dodoma City. A total of 97 questionnaires were dully filled and returned out of the 100 respondents. The main respondents of the study were the citizens who received water services from DUWASA. Respondents were obtained from the three selected Wards of Nzuguni, Viwandani and Dodoma Makulu. Data were collected through questionnaire survey, interview and documentary review. The study adopted mixed research approach which allowed the application of both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection which were then analyzed with the support SPSS version 23.0. The study employed two relevant theories of Self-Generated Urbanisation and Urban Environmental Transition Theory to support the findings. The study found that Dodoma city was facing a number of challenges associated with urbanization. Among them included: high demand of water from DUWASA, inadequate water services to its people, increased population associated with shifting of the capital functions from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, increased illegal connections, poor control of waste water by the authorities, and environmental degradation. However, the revealed that urbanization has increased physical structure construction projects, improved industrialization process and helped to create chances for employment opportunities in the city. Based on the findings, it is concluded that urbanization requires the government, development partners and service provider authorities like DUWASA to improve strategies for sustainable service provision and management. It is further recommended that there should be improvement of fund allocation, awareness education to water users and improved infrastructures for effective urban water supply services to meet the requirements of the fast growing cities in Tanzania like the Dodoma city.
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    The role of water user associations in management of water uses conflicts: a case of Ilonga sub-catchment at Kilosa District, Morogoro
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Augustino, Lonnacya
    This study sought to investigate the role of Water user Associations (WUAs) in management of water uses conflicts in Ilonga sub-catchment at Kilosa district in Morogoro region. Specific objectives for this study include, characterize different water sources in Ilonga sub-catchment, determining the types and level of conflicts among water users before and after the formulation of WUAs in Ilonga sub- catchment, determining the role of WUAs in management of water uses conflicts in Ilonga sub-catchment, and identifying the challenges and opportunities of WUAs in managing water uses conflicts in Ilonga sub-catchment. This study employed cross-sectional research design. The targeted population includes Wami- Ruvu basin water officer, village leaders, and irrigators, pastoralists and agro-pastorarists from Ilonga sub-catchment. Data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, FGD, and documentary reviews. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed, whereby for quantitative data analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics while for the qualitative data were analyzed by using thematic analysis approach. The findings revealed that in Ilonga sub-catchment there are various water sources that are used for irrigation, pastoralism and agro-pastoralism. The findings also observed that, WUAs played significant roles in managing water uses conflicts by applying a number of techniques such as setting up meeting with dispute parties, ensuring that there is even distribution of water among water users in Ilonga sub-catchment to ensure that the water uses conflicts are minimized if not eliminated. The results also indicate that, the level of water uses conflicts were high before the formations of WUAs as compared to after the formation of WUAs. Furthermore, the study identified that WUAs face different challenges that hinder them from being able to perform their roles properly. In case of opportunities, WUAs act as a platform through which the community member can express their challenges pertaining to water uses. The study recommended that the government should give more priority to the WUAs by empowering and supporting them in their day-to-day activities in managing the sub-catchment. In case of WUAs, they should come with new methods or techniques to get the community participation and cooperation in the management of the water uses conflicts in Ilonga Sub-catchment. Also, the Government should provide support towards WUAs.
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    Factors contributing to low usage of contraceptive methods among women of reproductive age in Kigoma rural District, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Maningi, Margreth
    This study assessed the factors contributing to low usage of contraceptive methods among women of reproductive age (15 – 49 years). Specifically, the study examined the status of the availability of contraceptive methods in the study area. In addition, it investigated the socio-demographic and economic factors influencing low usage of contraceptive methods in the study area. Lastly, it assessed the strategies for enhancing the use of contraceptives among women of reproductive age in the study area. The study employed a cross sectional design with mixed approaches of quantitative and qualitative methods. The study was conducted in two villages, namely Bitale and Kizenga in Kigoma Rural district. A total of 200 women of reproductive age were randomly selected and interviewed. The results indicated that contraceptives were available in health facilities but sometimes; they remained and expired before being used. Despite such availability; only 22.5 percent of the respondents were using contraceptives, the majority were not. The major reasons for not using any method of contraceptive were the desire to have children (34.8 percent), not seeing the purpose for using contraceptives (33.5 percent), and fear of side effects (12.3 percent). The side effects contributing to low use include abnormal vaginal breeding, breast pains, reduced desire to have sex and headache. The Chi square test show that age, education, husband’s education level, marital status and occupation were not statistically significant associated with contraceptive use. In deed, the need for more children and having ever tried measures to stop pregnancy were statistically significant associated with contraceptive use. Lastly, the study found that providing outreach services at the household level, educating the respondents about the benefit of family planning at community level and assigning employees with similar qualifications and knowledge in the health facilities; were the strategies to be adopted for enhancing use of contraceptive methods. This study confirms and concludes that there was still low use of contraceptives among women of reproductive age in Kigoma rural areas, despite their high knowledge on contraceptives and easy accessibility. This situation calls for efforts to be directed to providing more education on the benefits of contraceptive methods to increase the contraceptive usage.
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    Private employers’ awareness on sustainable development goal 8 and its implications for well-being improvement in Dodoma capital city, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Honesta, Ngolly
    The purpose of this study was to assess private employers’ awareness on Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8). The goal that promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. This goal confirms the relationship that exists between decent work and well-being improvement. Specifically, the study focused on the assessment of private employers’ awareness on the SDG 8 and its implications for well-being improvement in Dodoma Capital City, Tanzania. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. Purposive and random sampling techniques were employed to select the representative sample. Data collection methods comprised of surveys, key informants’ interviews, and documentary review with the private employers’ influenced by Autonomy and Decision Making Theory. A total of 100 individual private employers and employees were directly administered with questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics, such as Chi-squire was used to test for significance of data and regression analysis employed to assess the impact of private employers’ awareness of SDG 8 on well-being improvement. Generally, the findings show that overall, 53.3% of the employers are not aware of the labour right due to lack of enough knowledge on the SDG 8. This is correlated with the employers’ unawareness of the SDG 8 which has influence on the protection of labour rights. The regression estimates on the impact of employers’ awareness of SDG 8 on well-being improvement indicates that the knowledge awareness and work experience among the employers were statistically significant. This demonstrate that the wellbeing improvement are mostly contributed by factors such as employers and employee’s knowledge and awareness of SDG 8 and work experience. The study concludes that despite many progresses in the private sector, not all the workforce is enjoying decent work. In terms of policy, the study recommends an integrated approach that addresses the goals of well-being improvement, which requires employees’ knowledge awareness and inclusiveness in order to achieve SDG 8. That is the policy priorities for achieving many of the other SDGs depends on progress under the SDG 8.Finally, mobilizing the policy priorities, supporting knowledge access and skill building for SDG 8-related interventions is therefore, crucial for well-being improvement. The success of the SDG 8 depends largely on the initiatives of the public and private sectors.
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    Leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction in Dodoma city council
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Bukombe, Vicent, E.
    This study assessed the influence of the leadership styles on employees’ job satisfaction. The assessment was guided by four specific objectives. Specifically the study identified the types of leadership styles that are used in Dodoma City Council. It also assessed the leadership style that results in the highest increase in job satisfaction. Furthermore, it identified and assessed the employees’ indicators that determined their job satisfaction. It also investigated the leadership styles associated with high performance because of employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. The study used a single case study and approached the entire study in Dodoma City Council. It also utilized both qualitative and quantitative strategies. Data were collected through survey, in-depth interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and documentary review. In addition, the study applied both purposive and random sampling techniques in getting the respondents. The key informants were obtained by purposive technique and general information was gathered by simple random procedure. The study used 137 respondents. The study analysed data through quantitative and qualitative techniques with the aid of PC programming known as Social Science Statistical Package (SPSS) Version 21 and content analysis. The findings of the assessment discovered that leaders in Dodoma City council were utilizing several leadership styles. The most often utilized or favoured sort of leadership style was democratic. Likewise, the findings discovered that democratic leadership style improves the employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, the findings revealed that there were several indicators indicating that the employees in Dodoma City Council were satisfied with their job. However, some indicators had no correlation with the employee job satisfaction. Likewise, the findings revealed that the employees’ performance improved because of being satisfied in their jobs. The study concludes that leadership styles have a great influence on employees’ job satisfaction whereby the democratic leadership style is ranked as the best style in improving employees’ job satisfaction. The study recommends that the leaders in the Dodoma City Council have to make sure that they use a leadership style that improves the employees’ job satisfaction.
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    Exploration of factors influencing health seeking behavior among university students in Tanzania: a case of the University of Dodoma
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) Ndallu, Sylvester John
    This study explored factors influencing Health Seeking Behavior among University Students with a case of Students of the University of Dodoma. The study was guided by three specific objectives: to explore socio-cultural aspects of Health Seeking Behavior among UDOM students; to examine the economic aspects of Health Seeking Behavior among UDOM students and to evaluate the political factors of Health Seeking Behavior among UDOM students. In the methodology, the study used a mixed approach, where both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were applied. The study used three methods in primary data collection, which were social survey, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Purposive sampling method was used for attaining key informants for in-depth interview, whereas stratified and simple random sampling were used to obtain social survey and focus group discussion respondents. Sample size for social survey was obtained by the use of an online software ( for sample calculation that resulted to 73 respondents, whereby the qualitative part depended on the saturation point in gathering information. Quantitative data was analyzed by using Social Science Statistical Package (SPSS) Version 20 while qualitative data was analyzed by the use for pattern matching and strong explanation building. Findings from this study have revealed that social-cultural, economic and political aspects have influenced students' Health Seeking Behaviour. Religion and wealth influenced Health Seeking Behaviour of UDOM students in varied manner. In addition, delay in attainment of Health Insurance Identity Cards was seen to be a factor that led some students not to visit hospitals. It was recommended that students need to use the adequate biomedical healthcare facilities as well as ensure timely attainment of health insurance membership cards. Healthcare practitioners and Student Welfare Officers were encouraged to ensure students are aware and use the available healthcare services. UDOM management and the government of Tanzania should play well their part by ensuring good healthcare services to students.
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    Effectiveness of foreign aid in transforming productivity of small scale cotton farmers in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) Maeda, Christina Olver
    The study examined the effectiveness of foreign aid in transforming the Small Scale Cotton Farmers Productivity in Mwanza Region. The findings of the study are organized in three themes, namely the amount of foreign aid given to the Small Scale Cotton Farmers in Mwanza, the extent to which foreign aid has boosted the productivity of Small Scale Cotton Farmers, and the challenges faced by Small Scale Cotton Famers in receiving foreign aid. The study employed a mixed-method of collecting and analyzing data. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Both purposive and random sampling procedures were used to select the sample of 120 respondents. The quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 20 qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis to develop themes and build strong explanations. The analysis revealed that the amount of foreign aid given to the famers by the donor is too small to transform the productivity of Small Scale Cotton Farmers in Mwanza Region. Further, the analysis revealed that foreign aid given to the Small Scale Cotton Farmers has boosted the productivity of Small Scale Cotton Farmers to a smaller extent. Because of its insufficient amount, the foreign aid has failed to change the productivity of Small Scale Cotton Farmers. The findings have revealed that the Small Scale Cotton Farmers in Mwanza face various challenges in accessing foreign aid since the donors‟ terms and conditions are unfriendly and delay in the allocation of foreign aid. The study recommended that, for foreign aid to effectively transform the productivity of Small Scale Farmers, there is a need for the donors to increase the amount of foreign aid to enable the Small Scale Cotton Farmers to afford all the necessary farm inputs.
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    Assessment of the challenges facing conditional cash transfer (CCT beneficiaries in improving livelihood: a case of Chamwino district council
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) Mwanga, Upendo Rumishael
    This study, has focused on challenges facing conditional cash transfer beneficiaries in improving their household's livelihood in Chamwino District Council, specifically, it addressed obstacles which CCT beneficiaries encountered in spending the provided grants to generate income, food consumption patterns in households and the issues encountered in spending the provided grants for education and health services. This study has employed cross-sectional design which addressed the characteristics of the CCT beneficiaries at a certain point in time at Chamwino District. The sample size comprised of the 134 respondents in quantitative and 50 respondents (18 from in-depth interview and 32 from FGD) in qualitative approach. Subtracting 26 respondent who involved once again in FGD makes a grand total of 158 sample size. This study has used in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observation, and questionnaires with both open-ended and closed questions. Findings showed that, insufficient amount of money, environmental factors, the old age, health potential and lack of entrepreneurship skills were the barriers which faced the beneficiaries in spending the provided income. It has been noted basically that, there was a limited awareness of the food consumption among the CCT beneficiaries in the households, they also consumed meals mostly once per day. However, price fluctuation, failure to generate income, a little amount provided and increases in life expenses were the issues counteracting CCT beneficiaries in accessing nutritional food. It has been noted additionally that, the received amount failed to meet the medicine needs, likewise the CCT beneficiaries failed to cover their immediate hospital bills among the others which related to school expenses for their children. The study suggests that, the CCT programme must provide an adequate amount of cash to the beneficiaries so as to meet their basic needs but also it should impart the entrepreneurship skills to beneficiaries, so as to make them productive and responsible for their own development. Furthermore, the study recommends further studies to be conducted on the effect of the decision making and purchasing power, based on the gender of the CCT‟s beneficiaries in spending the provided amount with a view to improve their livelihood
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    Effects of students’ sex on effective utilization of guidance and counseling services in higher learning institutions: a case of the University of Dodoma
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) Mapesa, Zainabu Hassan
    This dissertation reports the findings of the study on effects of students' sex on the effective utilization of guidance and counseling services in higher learning institutions taking a case of the University of Dodoma. It covers three themes, namely the extent to which the students' sex influences their utilization of guidance and counseling services, the underlying factors affecting the students' sex in utilizing guidance and counseling services, and the measures to enable the students to effectively utilize guidance and counseling services. Data for the study were drawn from four colleges of the University of Dodoma that sufficed to represent the higher learning institutions in Tanzania. Data were collected from 120 participants, i.e. 104 students and 16 University staff. These are 8 wardens, 7 academic advisors, and one dean of students. Both purposive and stratified random sampling were used to obtain the participants for this study. A questionnaire was administered to students while the staff participated through interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed through IBM SPSS, V. 20 to develop frequencies, percentages, and correlational analyses, while the qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. The analysis revealed that seeking of guidance and counseling services at the University is moderate, while there are more female students who seek services compared to the male students. Seeking of services appeared to decrease as the age of the students increased regardless of their sex, and when students were employees. Further, the sex of the service providers ranks the first in influencing seeking of guidance and services. Female students tended to prefer getting guidance and counseling services from the male staff while the male students did not seem to be influenced by sex. Confidentiality and settings of the offered guidance and counseling discouraged students of both sexes from frequently seeking the services. The study recommended that students should improve services, including setting up a special office that is separate from the dormitories where they live. Students should be oriented on the importance of seeking guidance and counseling services from the qualified staff.