Factors that influences consumption of processed sweet Potato products in Tanzania

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Sciencedomain International
The general objective of this study was to describe a socio-economic factor that influences consumption of processed sweet potato products. The study was cross sectional in design and was conducted in Shinyanga and Mwanza regions. The study employed individual interviews, focused group discussions, review of relevant practical documents and discussions from a total of 50 surveyed households. The data collected was summarized using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) windows versions 18.0, excel and content analysis.The survey revealed that two factors mostly influences one to consume processed sweet potato were attractive packaging (51.0%) and nutritional value (34.7%). Other factors mentioned included; taste (95.0%), freshness (80.8%), shelf life (85.8%), texture (57.5%), economy (price) (57.5%), Nutritional factor (72.5%) and color (50.8%).
Full text Article, Also available at https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/48039934/Factors_that_Influences_Consumption_of_P20160814-24281-4mjyaq-libre.pdf?1471169165=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DFactors_that_Influences_Consumption_of_P.pdf&Expires=1713855592&Signature=FeAPoLwq6TJzVxIXz6VdtS6u3K1KCNexeuHiqdtIm4Ot~SrnhpMiPEd~bjVR97Tv~A2yNnjq8~0dCadelWtAPvJzpzrt9dB6G99L1FmXgKqio1Kf0l~gw1qW9c9Ohcl8MUKWyG0GrbNjYGy8pY~CUiWJILZ-fVOyuvKHL7voIbENCrc7dtOD1r78Q5Uw2ypxSHktDR6237YRKWhwDa0cHxbOIzlQCTVjG5ekImZ2zbQJxwgmxLyt6YlRqDrhpVpTfVCktXuWRFC653KZaSSTck~-GYuSuEx177c2BRJeTUT2BPnRTR73ipVpLdPM9uQruCNDwIaatBqRKsobpcK1WQ__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
Sweet potato, Consumption., Processed, Value chain, Sweet potato products, Sweet potato processed
Mmasa, J. J., & Mlambiti, M. (2015). Factors that influences consumption of processed sweet potato products in Tanzania. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 4(1), 1-10.