Investigating the factors affecting broadband adoption in Tanzania: a case of Dares Salaam, Tanzania

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Foundation of Computer Science
Broadband access has become an important resource for individuals and communities. A high-speed connection to the internet provides opportunities for many economic, social and cultural benefits. Recent researches in developing countries points to the appalling broadband penetration rates in these countries. An understanding of the factors affecting broadband adoption in these countries is a key to any strategy to improve broadband penetration figures. This paper examined several attitudinal, normative and control factors as identified from literature to provide insights of broadband adopters and non-adopters in Tanzania. The findings suggested that the utilitarian outcomes and relative advantage were the major factors influencing consumers’ decision to adopt broadband in Tanzania. The findings from regression analysis also showed that the relative advantage, utilitarian outcomes and self-efficacy factors were more significant in explaining consumers’ behavioral intention to adopt broadband. On the other hand, the “expenses of broadband services” and “lack of appropriate equipment to access broadband”, had the highest importance rating among the barriers to adopt broadband in Tanzania.
Abstract. Full text article available at
Broadband adoption in Tanzania, Acceptance model, Broadband adoption, Broadband availability, Regression, Tanzania broadband adoption, Broadband technology
Nyondo, S., Anatory, J., & Mtonyole, N. (2014). Investigating the Factors Affecting Broadband Adoption in Tanzania: A Case of Dares Salaam. International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.107(15).