Assessment of new labour laws adoption in workplaces: a case of Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation

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The University of Dodoma
The study aimed at assessing the new labour laws adoption at the workplace in Tanzania taking Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation (COASCO) as a case study. The New Labour laws are Employment and Labour Relation Act, No. 6 of 2004 and Labour Institution Act No. 7 of 2004. The study involved a sample of 60 respondents, who were directly interviewed; and those who were requested to fill in a questionnaire. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and simple random sampling procedure. The data collected was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings from the research revealed that most of the employees at the workplace are aware of the new labour laws but they lack detailed education on it. Exploring the benefits of new labour laws adoption at the workplace was one of the objectives of the study. It has been realized that the new labour laws have something to do with the promotion of peace and harmony at the workplace Also the study objected at identifying the challenges facing the adoption of new labour laws at workplaces. The findings showed that different in employees‟ level of income in terms of salaries and wages and the working hours are the major challenges to implement the new laws. The study recommends that employers through seminar and workshop should provide education on the new labour laws to their employees in order to increase the awareness. Also trade unions should advocate collective bargaining in dispute resolution at the workplace than demonstration and strike.
Dissertation (MA Public Administration)
COASCO, Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation, Labour laws, New labour laws, Workplace labour laws, Tanzania, Tanzania labour laws
Pius, I.M. (2013). Assessment of new labour laws adoption in workplaces: a case of Cooperative Audit and Supervision Corporation. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma