The role of human resource managers in reforming public administration in Tanzania: a case of Musoma district council

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The University of Dodoma
This study aimed at investigating the role of Human Resources managers in reforming public administration in Tanzania specifically in Musoma District. It intended to review recruitment and incentives strategies with the aim of making public sector employment more attractive to young and talented graduates. Transforming and revitalizing public administration enable the state perform its changing role for serving citizen better. The research design used in this study was survey design and sample size was 50 respondents: 22 respondents were Human Resources Managers which comprised of District Executive Director, Regional Administrative Secretary, District Administrative secretary, District Administrative officers, Heads of Departments in Musoma District council. 28 respondents were public employees working in Musoma District council selected using purposively sampling procedures, questionnaires and interviews were used to collect primary data and documentary review was used to collect secondary data. The study revealed that Human Resources managers play a great role in reforming public Administration. However, challenges human resource manager‟s face were poor working environment and working facilities, lack of motivation, Lack of regular training of public employees, these were found to be the major obstacles in reforming public administration. The study recommends that the government and other stakeholders should put more emphasis to increase employees‟ capacity building towards reforming public administration to better provision of service to citizens.
Dissertation (MA Public Administration) CERTIFICATION INDICATES THE TITLE IS "Role of Human Resources in Reforming Public Administration in Tanzania:A case of Musoma District"
Tanzania, Musoma, Public administration, Human resources managers, Reforming public administration, Administration
James, R. (2012). The role of human resource managers in reforming public administration in Tanzania: a case of Musoma district council. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma