Commmunity responsibilities in supporting orphans in Chamwino district, Mvumi misheni ward: a case of Mvumi misheni village

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The University of Dodoma
The study on community responsibilities in supporting orphans was conducted at Chamwino District Mvumi misheni village. The study aim generally was to assess the community responsibilities in supporting orphans. It intended specifically to examine the systems used by the community to support orphans, and determine types of support provided to orphans by the community as well as identify the roles of the community in supporting them. It has also used a sample of 90 respondents to represent a total population of 3,527 people. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approach. Moreover, observations and interviews methods were used in data collection. Both Probability and Non probability sampling techniques were used in selecting the study sample. Under probability sampling, simple random and stratified sampling was employed, while under non probability, sampling purposive sampling technique was used. The collected data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science Research (SPSS) programme. The findings from the study have indicated that Village Most Vulnerable Children Committee (VMVCC) was the mechanism used to manage the orphans in the study area. However, the government tools were used to identify and record information of the orphans. Moreover, communities were not involved in the process of developing any action plans concerning OVC. Furthermore social protection service was offered more by the community members. Female genital mutilation, abandonment, child labor, and early/forced marriage are the dominant violations existed in the study area. It is recommended that government should apply public private partnership to work together (efficiently and effectively) so as to avoid duplication in serving orphans.
Dissertation (MA Development Studies)
Chamwino, Orphans, Orphans support, Orphans care, Community, Mvumi misheni, Vulnerable children, Community based care, Stigmatization, Marginalization, HIV, Human immunodeficiency Virus, AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Msangi, Z. T. (2013). Commmunity responsibilities in supporting orphans in Chamwino district, Mvumi misheni ward: a case of Mvumi misheni village. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma.