Performance of sorghum varieties under variable rainfall in Central Tanzania

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Rainfall variability has a significant impact on crop production with manifestations in frequent crop failure in semiarid areas. This study used the parameterized APSIM crop model to investigate how rainfall variability may affect yields of improved sorghum varieties based on long-term historical rainfall and projected climate. Analyses of historical rainfall indicate a mix of non-significant and significant trends on the onset, cessation, and length of the growing season. The study confirmed that rainfall variability indeed affects yields of improved sorghum varieties. Further analyses of simulated sorghum yields based on seasonal rainfall distribution indicate the concurrence of lower grain yields with the 10-day dry spells during the cropping season. Simulation results for future sorghum response, however, show that impacts of rainfall variability on sorghum will be overridden by temperature increase. We conclude that, in the event where harms imposed by moisture stress in the study area are not abated, even improved sorghum varieties are likely to perform poorly.
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Rainfall variability, Crop production, Rainfall, Sorghum, Central Tanzania, Tanzania, APSIM crop
Msongaleli, B. M., Tumbo, S. D., Kihupi, N. I., & Rwehumbiza, F. B. (2017). Performance of sorghum varieties under variable rainfall in central Tanzania. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2017