Doctoral Theses


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    Falsafa ya waafrika na ujenzi wa mtindo wa uhalisiajabu katika riwaya ya Kiswahili
    (Chuo kikuu cha Dodoma, 2017) Faustine, Stella
    Tasnifu hii ni zao la utafiti uliofanywa unaohusu Falsafa ya Waafrika na Mchango Wake katika Ujenzi wa Mtindo wa Uhalisiajabu katika Riwaya ya Kiswahili. Utafiti uliozalisha tasnifu hii umetokana na changamoto kubwa kuwa upo ugumu wa uelewekaji wa maudhui ndani ya kazi za Fasihi zinazotumia mtindo wa uhalisiajabu. Ili kutimiza azma ya kufanyika kwa utafiti huu, malengo manne yalishughulikiwa. Nayo ni kubainisha namna Falsafa ya Waafrika ilivyosawiriwa katika riwaya teule za Kiswahili za kihalisiajabu, kujadili namna Falsafa hiyo inavyojitokeza kama kijenzi cha mtindo wa uhalisiajabu katika riwaya teule za Kiswahili za kihalisiajabu, kuainisha mtindo ya uhalisiajabu kwa kuzingatia namna unavyojitokeza katika riwaya teule za Kiswahili za kihalisiajabu, na kufafanua mchango wa mtindo wa uhalisiajabu katika maendeleo ya riwaya ya Kiswahili. Njia zilizotumika kupata data za utafiti uliozalisha tasnifu hii ni usaili, udodosaji, udurusu wa nyaraka na ushuhudiaji. Data za utafiti huu zilitafsiriwa na kuchambuliwa kwa kutumia nadharia tete ya Uhalisiajabu. Matokeo ya utafiti yameonesha kuwa kusawiriwa kwa Falsafa ya Waafrika katika riwaya za Kiswahili kuna mchango mkubwa katika kuujenga mtindo wa uhalisiajabu. Aidha, imebainika pia kuwa kuna aina mbalimbali za mtindo wa uhalisiajabu katika riwaya za Kiswahili za kihalisiajabu. Nazo ni: uhalisiajabu fantasia, tarazi, fifi, wa kimajazi, na wa kisitiari. Kwa upande mwingine, matokeo ya utafiti yameonesha kuwa mtindo wa uhalisiajabu una mchango mkubwa katika maendeleo ya riwaya ya Kiswahili, kifasihi na kijamii. Kifasihi, mtindo huu umechangia katika maendeleo ya riwaya ya Kiswahili kiepistemolojia, kiujumi, na katika upanuzi wa uhuru wa waandishi katika kuandika kazi zao. Kijamii, mtindo huu umeifanya riwaya ya Kiswahili kuwa ni darasa la kujifunza maarifa ya Falsafa ya Waafrika; na pia, kama ghala la kuhifadhia amali za Waafrika. Utafiti umehitimishwa kwa kupendekeza mambo makuu mawili yafuatayo: Mosi, Serikali kuweka mikakati mathubuti ya kuhakikisha kuwa lugha na Fasihi ya Kiswahili vinapewa kipaumbele katika muktadha wa elimu na jamii kwa jumla. Pili, Usomaji wa kazi za Fasihi ufanywe kwa umakini kwa kuzingatia nadharia za uhakiki zinazoendana na kazi husika na muktadha wa jamii.
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    Matumizi ya ramsa na tanzia katika utenzi wa Al-inkishafi wa S.A Nasir (1720-1820)
    (The University of Dodoma, 2019) Mganga, Nawaje Ali
    Tasnifu hii inahusu Matumizi ya Ramsa na Tanzia katika Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi. Tasnifu hii imelenga kuchunguza matumizi ya ramsa na tanzia, kupitia vijenzi vya kifani, matukio, sababu na kutathmini ustadi wa matumizi ya dhana hizo za ramsa na tanzia katika Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi (1720-1820) jinsi unavyolingana na kutafautiana. Mbinu za tasnifu zimejikita katika kushughulikia maeneo yaliyofanyika utafiti yakiwa ni maktabani na maskanini katika kisiwa cha Pate nchini Kenya. Njia zilizotumika kukusanyia data ni usaili, udurusu wa maktabani, na ushuhuda wa maskanini. Uthabiti wa data pamoja na matumizi ya mkabala wa kifasili yalihusishwa na misingi ya nadharia ya Uamilifu katika kuchambua data na kuleta tija iliyotarajiwa. Hatimaye, tasnifu imebainisha namna ilivyofuata maadili ya utafiti. Utafiti wa ramsa na tanzia katika Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi umegundua kwamba mshairi alikuwa na sababu maalumu za kutumia dhana hizo kinzani za ramsa na tanzia, zilizomsukuma kutumia vijenzi maalumu katika matukio kadhaa, yaliyotumika katika ustadi wa kufanana na kutafautiana. Hivyo, tasnifu hii ni muhimu katika taaluma ya tenzi za Kiswahili katika kuzipanua kimawanda dhana za ramsa na tanzia kutoka katika uwanja wa tamthiliya kuelekea katika uga wa ushairi wa Kiswahili kupitia Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi. Hivyo, wahakiki na wachambuzi wa ushairi, kuanzia sasa nawashauri kuzijumuisha dhana za ramsa na tanzia katika uhakiki na uchambuzi wao, kwa yatayohusiana na haya.
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    A history of land conflicts among farmers and pastoralists in Morogoro region, 1890s – 2015
    (2019) Mtenga, Victor D.
    This thesis is a historical analysis of farmers and pastoralists land conflicts in Morogoro Region, Kilosa and Mvomero districts from the 1890s to 2015. The evidence for this thesis was drawn from oral interviews, written archival documents, missionary writings, ethnographic accounts, and observational notes. Content analysis was deployed to shed light on the several themes raised in the study. The study argues that, farmer-pastoralist land conflicts have for many decades been a typical element in the Region. The conflicts during pre-colonial times were anchored to a sense of particular link between geographical territory and a category of people. During the colonial era, land conflicts in the Region increased because land attained commercial value. The colonial government through the use of various land legislations, ordinances and policies facilitated establishment of plantations and estates. Further, land alienation, incoming of more pastoralists, migrant labourers, and natural increase of native population made land scarce. This forced pastoralists to graze their livestock in proximity to farmers thus sowing the seeds of land conflicts. The intensity and prevalence of conflicts in the post-colonial era were partly caused by the socialist policy and to a large extent, by the free market economy. Many development projects like NARCO and NAFCO became avenues for the conflicts. Privatisation and liberalisation policy intensified land markets. The suspension of Leadership Code and Party Membership Rules in 1991, promoted land grabbing, suppression of customary land tenure, evictions of pastoralists, corruption, and owning of large tracts of land for speculations. The study has revealed that, the land conflicts have transformed a few Maasai pastoralists into modern pastoralists. Also, many pastoralists have changed their perception of land by diversifying their economic activities. Such conflicts have the potential of threatening human and national security. Generally, the conflicts were caused by the economics of the scarcity of land as opposed to the physical shortage. The conflicts were embedded in the unique history of the interactions between Maasai pastoralists and farmers. Persistence of the conflicts was dictated by the evolving economic, political and social forces. The continuity and discontinuity of such conflicts over the time relied on national and global politics and socio-economic changes narrated in the present thesis. The findings sheds light on the complex problem of land conflicts between farmers and pastoralists, an area that has not received sufficient consideration from historians writing economic history of Tanzania.
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    Space and communication: An ethnolinguistic study of the Maasai society of Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) Sane, Eliakimu
    This thesis reports the findings of the ethnolinguistic study of the use of space in communication in Maasai society. It examined how Maasai use genealogical and geographical space to construct social and linguistic categories which affect communication among the society members. The findings of the study are presented from the transcriptions of the participant observation made in the natural settings of occurrence and supported by the information from face-to-face and group interviews with 59 informants sampled from Monduli District through snowball technique. Analysis of the information obtained revealed that genealogical and geographical spaces are used in Maasai to categorize and develop differences among people and linguistic means are used to express the differences. Unlike women and children, men are grouped into peer groups by the means of space and get names which not only predict and wish them good will but also entitle them to enjoy certain social privileges. Despite the differences, the society members enjoy the categorizations since they are an important constituent of their culture. The society uses a top-down communication approach whereby men have freedom of communication that can only be challenged by the peers above ego or the laigwanani. The non-Maasai people are assessed, categorized, named and placed in the Maasai social structures to enjoy some social privileges. Besides, the spatial arrangements of objects in the environment are made according to the society‟s norms of interactions and, therefore, they affect interactions in the society. The findings of this study proscribe the often made claim that Maasai society is unchanging. Though the society has established proper mechanisms to resist the norms resulting from the drive to modernity, this thesis revealed that some Maasai norms of interactions are sometimes violated to accommodate modern and institutional norms while other norms decay as development escalates. It is concluded that social stratifications and naming on the framework of space are necessary for the society‟s socio-economic activities but they affect communication in the society. The perceived social marginalization resulting from the stratifications are unintentional inasmuch as every member enjoys the differences. It is recommended that government and different agents should consider the ethnolinguistic characteristics of the Maasai society when developing different policies in the society.
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    Integrating instructed vocabulary lessons in the 2005 English language syllabus: A design based action research for class three learners
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) Biseko, John M
    The concern of this study was to design Instructed Vocabulary Lessons (IVL) that would ensure adequate coverage of vocabulary in the mainstream curriculum. Therefore, the study was guided by four specific objectives. These included to provide a situational analysis of both sociocultural context and vocabulary building practices in the current English Language Syllabus, to design the IVL for promoting vocabulary knowledge within the current English Language Syllabus, to assess the usefulness of the designed IVL in terms of supporting vocabulary building, and to assess the perceptions of teachers towards the designed IVL. The study was built on both interpretivism and positivism paradigms and thus, action research and quasi experimental designs were adopted. Consequently, both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to facilitate the collection and analysis of the data. The study involved a sample of 193 learners and 4 teachers who were sampled from four primary schools. Methodological triangulation was adopted and thus, five data collection methods were used. These were observation, questionnaire, analysis of documents (documentary review), focus group discussion and vocabulary tests. The study revealed that despite its role in language learning, vocabulary learning is scrappily presented in the primary school English language syllabus, text books and general classroom practices. Consequently, this study developed IVL and assessed them both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that learners‟ performances in vocabulary tests were high during intervention (whenever IVL was applied) but their scores decreased in the absence of IVL. Therefore, these results confirmed that learners require well planned explicit vocabulary instruction to understand, remember, and use the targeted words. However, a call is made to future researchers to make some follow up on the conclusions made by this study.
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    Mkengeuko wa ujumi wa kiafrika katika hadithi fupi andishi za kiswahili kipindi cha utandawazi: Mifano kutoka magazeti ya Habari Leo, Nipashe na Mwananchi
    (Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma, 2018) Sanga, Aginiwe Nelson
    Hadithi fupi andishi za Kiswahili za sasa zimeonekana kukiuka jukumu la kuusawiri uzuri wa Kiafrika, jambo ambalo linawiana na hali ya utanzu huu kutopewa nafasi ya kutosha katika nyanja mbalimbali za kijamii kama ilivyokuwa kwa utanzu wa hadithi fupi simulizi hapa Tanzania. Hali hiyo, ikiendelea kama ilivyo kuna hatari ya utanzu huu kupotea au kumezwa na tanzu nyingine kama riwaya. Aidha, utafiti umechunguza mkengeuko wa ujumi wa Kiafrika kwa kuhusianisha na mabadiliko yanayojitokeza katika jamii ili kuonesha jinsi ilivyo muhimu kuichunguza Fasihi kwa kuihusisha na jamii inayohusika. Njia zilizotumika kukusanyia data ni mahojiano, udurusu wa maandiko na majadiliano. Utafiti ulifanyika maktabani na uwandani. Michakato ya utafiti na uchambuzi wa data iliongozwa na nadharia za Ujumi Mweusi na Umarx. Matokeo ya utafiti yanawiana na malengo ya utafiti, ambapo kutokana na ufafanuzi wa ujumi wa Kiafrika uliotolewa, inaonesha kuwa hadithi fupi andishi za Kiswahili zimeathiriwa kwa kiasi kikubwa na usasa pamoja na umiji. Jambo hili limesababisha utanzu huu kuibagua hadhira kirika na kimaeneo. Jamii za sasa za Kiafrika zimekengeuka kiujumi na kuvutiwa na mambo yanayofungamana na utamaduni wa Kimagharibi kuliko ya Kiafrika. Mchango mpya wa tasinifu hii ni pamoja na kuibuliwa kwa vigezo vya msingi vya uchambuzi wa ujumi wa Kiafrika katika Fasihi. Vipengele hivyo ni umoja, utu, ushababi, ukizinda, lugha, imani za dini na ushirikina, na umakusudio. Aidha, Fasihi imeonekana kuwa na umuhimu kwa jamii kuliko Fasihi yenyewe na uzuri wa Fasihi unaonekana pale inapoisaidia jamii katika utimilizaji wa majukumu mbalimbali.
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    Falsafa ya riwaya za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi katika muktadha wa epistemolojia ya Kibantu
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) Chuachua, Rashid
    Tasnifu hii inayoitwa ―Falsafa ya Riwaya za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi katika Muktadha wa Epistemolojia ya Kibantu‖ imechunguza namna maarifa ya Wabantu yanavyojitokeza katika riwaya za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi. Uchunguzi huo umezingatia vipengele mbalimbali kama vile uchawi, tambiko, imani au fikra zao kuhusu roho na kifo, moyo, Mungu, mwanya, uzazi, utoaji majina, uganga na ardhi. Taarifa zilikusanywa kwa njia ya mahojiano, majadiliano katika vikundi, mapitio ya maandiko na ushuhudiaji. Taratibu za ukusanyaji wa data ziliongozwa na mkabala wa kifinomenolojia, wakati uchanganuzi wa taarifa uliongozwa na mkabala wa kiepistemolojia. Finomenolojia ni mkabala maarufu katika utafiti wa kitaamuli; epistemolojia ni mkabala mpya katika uchambuzi wa kazi za fasihi. Matumizi ya mkabala huu yamedhihirisha kuwa Wabantu wana namna yao ya kupata maarifa ambayo ni kupitia kani-uhai toka kwa Mungu wao. Wazee walio hai ndiyo chanzo cha maarifa hapa duniani kwa kuwa wana uwezo wa kuwasiliana na wahenga wao kwa urahisi zaidi. Aidha, kujua kwao kumefungwa kwenye duara linalofanywa na kani-uhai toka kwa Mungu, kuja kwa wahenga, kisha kwa watu walio hai na kurudi tena kwa Mungu. Mungu ndiye chanzo kikuu cha kani-uhai. Aliye nje ya duara hili linaloundwa na kani-uhai, hawezi kuwa na maarifa ya kaida za jamii yake. Kwa Wabantu, maarifa ni kujua asili ya kani-uhai na athari zake. Jambo hili hutokana na uzoefu wa muda mrefu wa kaida za jamii husika; pamoja na kudumisha mila na desturi zinazoimarisha uhusiano uliopo ndani ya duara la maisha. Matokeo ya utafiti yanaonyesha kuwa; pamoja na kuyaweka mawazo ya Falsafa za Ulaya na Asia katika maandishi yao, kwa kiasi kikubwa, kazi za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi zinawasilisha maarifa halisi ya Wabantu. Utafiti umebaini kuwa maarifa ya Wabantu yanaegemea katika misingi ya kiontolojia. Hivyo basi, ontolojia ndiyo kiini cha epistemolojia ya Kibantu. Katika kudhihirisha hili, vigezo vinavyotumiwa na Wabantu katika kumbainisha mtu vimewekwa bayana. Utafiti pia umebaini kuwa waandishi hawa wawili hawakumwacha mtu akiwa hewani, bali baada ya kumbainisha kwa mujibu wa maarifa yao, wamemweka katika jamii na kumwonyesha anavyothamini amali za jamii yake. Amali hizo ni za kidini au kiimani, kimaarifa na kimatendo. Aidha, utafiti umebaini kuwa uandishi wao umejiegemeza katika mikondo ya Falsafa ya Kiafrika ya kiethinofilosofia na kihekima kama ilivyoasisiwa na Placid Tempels na Odera Oruka kwa kufuatana. Kwa jumla, maarifa au epistemolojia ya Kibantu yameonekana yakiegemea ontolojia kwa kila kipengele; na hivyo, kani-uhai kuonekana kama mhimili mkuu wa falsafa ya Kibantu. Utafiti ulioizaa tasnifu hii umeonekana kuwa na mchango mkubwa katika eneo la Falsafa ya Kiafrika na ya Kibantu. Kwa maoni na upeo wa mtafiti, yumkini, hii ni Tasnifu ya kwanza nchini Tanzania ya kiwango cha shahada ya uzamivu, iliyochokoza taaluma ya Fasihi kwa mtazamo wa falsafa ya Kibantu kwa kutumia riwaya za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi. Vilevile, ni ya kwanza kuutumia mkabala wa epistemolojia ya Kibantu katika uchanganuzi wa kazi za Fasihi. Nadharia hii mpya iliyoegemea uchambuzi wa fikra za Wabantu inaweza kutumiwa na watafiti wengine. Hali hii itasaidia kutotumia nadharia za kigeni pekee katika kuchunguza fasihi ya Kiswahili, hata kwa mambo yasiyohusiana na mitazamo ya kigeni.
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    Local television soap operas and their influences on perceptions and attitudes among audience in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2018) Salim, Asha
    This thesis examines how local television soap operas influence perceptions and attitudes among audience in Tanzania. The general view of the related literature was that soap operas which have been produced in developing countries like Tanzania are principally pro-development in nature and are so designed. However, neither had any scientific study been conducted within the country to prove this view with regard to local television soap operas, norhad any researcher focused their study on how these local television soap operas influence perceptions and attitudes of their audience. To achieve this goal, the study reviewed Jumba la Dhahabu and Siri ya Mtungi television soap operas in which themes were identified. Designs of the local television soap operas and views of local audience towards these television soap operas were also examined. This study was conducted in Coast Region, Dar-es- Salaam, and Tanga Regions. The study comprised of 60 respondents who were purposively selected. Data were obtained through reviewing of the selected soap soaps, in-depth interviews and FGDs.Thematic coding approach was used to analyze the data. Reception Theory was used to guide this study.This study found out that themes in both soap operas reflect the day-to-day lives of the audience and that a design workshop is a vital element in the design of any soap opera. Means of learning among audience (viewers) of both soap operas were through self-reflection, changing to avoid similar fate that befell characters, changes of audience’s behaviours vis a vis changes of characters’ behaviours in soap operas, and predicting the future and taking appropriate actions. Futhermore, means of learning among audience (leading actors) were through exposing them to educative programmes, by observing other leading actors in the same soap opera, and through prolonged acting. This study concludes that as long as the soap operas reflect day-to-day lives, audiences’ perceptions and attitudes will be influenced, positively or negatively. This study, therefore, recommends that, professionalism be practiced whether the aim is to produce an entertainment or an entertainment-education soap opera. This is because, irrespective of the aim, the production will always have an impact on the audience.
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    The state of Tanzania's community languages in the age of globalization: Focus on children's acquisition of mother tongue
    (The University of Dodoma, 2015) Muguba, Solomon E
    The significance of language in the overall civilization and maintenance of social existence of humankind has made some scholars in human development regard language as a universal cultural tool. In particular, the place of, and strategies for, preservation of ethnic community languages in the context of globalization has recently become an area of serious concern across the world. The purpose of this study was to examine the state of children's acquisition of mother tongue in relatively closed and open communities in Tanzania in the age of globalization. The specific objectives were to: (1). investigate how the interface between globalization and the current cultural policy affects mother tongue acquisition in relatively closed and open communities in Tanzania; (2) establish the uses of ethnic community languages in the current age of globalization in Tanzania; (3) establish the major facilitation and or inhibition factors towards children's acquisition of mother tongue in relatively closed and open communities in the contexts of globalization; (4) determine the theoretical perspectives that best explain the state of ethnic community languages acquisition in the relatively closed and open communities in the context of globalisation. Two communities in different locations based on their degree of openness were involved in the study, where a multiple case design and a qualitative research approach were deployed. The research and interpretation processes were guided by the socio-cultural theory of learning and the sceptic theory of globalisation. Using semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion and documentary review, the data were collected from a purposively selected sample of 155 informants (parents = 68), children = 60), local government leaders = 13), traditional leaders = 9) and policy-makers = 5). It was found that Tanzania's cultural policy had good statement provisions which have been either partially or not implemented on the ground and it skipped important issues that would have made it effective. The two communities in this study were governed by two different social orientations in interacting with newcomers. The relatively open community practised social inclusion tendency while the relatively closed community practised social exclusion tendency, and these tendencies had effects on children's acquisition of mother tongue. It was further revealed that, traditional religions played a significant role in (MTA) and maintenance. The study concludes that there is a direct relationship between community's socio-cultural context and language acquisition and maintenance. The policy was a key factor in creating the current attitudes and beliefs on a particular language. It is recommended that communities revitalize their cultural and social formations that were used to tie them up together so that in the course they would maintain their specific ethnic community language. Policy is informed in its reforms to create good attitudes in ECLs users by assigning them some formal uses. This would strengthen or create good belief in their language.
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    Uzingatizi wa viakifishi katika uandishi wa kitaaluma: Mifano kutoka shule za msingi Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2015) Stephano, Rehema
    Utafiti huu umechunguza uzingatizi wa viakifishi katika uandishi wa kitaaluma kwa wanafunzi wa Shule za Msingi Tanzania zinazotumia mchepuo wa Kiswahili, hasa kwa kujikita katika mtaala wa Kiswahili. Malengo mahususi yaliyoshughulikiwa na utafiti huu ni matatu. Malengo hayo ni kuchambua viakifishi vinavyotumiwa katika uandishi wa kitaaluma wa wanafunzi wa Shule za Msingi Tanzania, kuchunguza makosa ya uakifishaji yanavyojitokeza katika kazi za wanafunzi wa Shule za Msingi Tanzania na kubainisha sababu mbalimbali za makosa ya uakifishaji kwa wanafunzi wa Shule za Msingi Tanzania. Utafiti huu umetumia mbinu mseto katika kukusanya data. Vilevile, umetumia mkabala wa kiidadi na wa kitaamuli kuwasilisha na kujadili data. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yameonesha kwamba wanafunzi wa Shule za Msingi wanafundishwa na wanatumia viakifishi vichache. Viakifishi hivyo ni nukta, kiulizo, mkato na mshangao, huku vingine vikitumika mara chache. Pia, matokeo ya utafiti yameonesha kuwa wanafunzi hawawezi kuakifisha kazi zao kwa usahihi kwa sababu hawafundishwi uakifishaji kwa kina, marefu na mapana. Kwa hali hiyo, wanafunzi hao huandika sentensi bebanifu, sentensi tata na vipande sentensi. Kwa hiyo, utafiti huu unapendekeza uakifishaji kufundishwa kama mada inayojitegemea katika viwango vyote vya elimu, Shule za Msingi, Sekondari hadi Vyuo Vikuu, ili wanafunzi waweze kuzielewa sheria na kanuni za uakifishaji na hivyo kuboresha maandiko yao ya kitaaluma.
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    Institutional arrangements and performance of contract farming in sunflower for smallholder farmers in Singida and Dodoma regions, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2018) Mwandilawa, Baraka
    Contract farming in sunflower as a vertically integrated mode of production and marketing is one of the most important transformations in the agriculture sector in Tanzania. Despite the introduction of CF in sunflower, many challenges persisted. These include unfavourable prices or markets. The reasons or factors for persistence of challenges in sunflower CF was the uniqueness of smallholder sunflower farmers such that the conventional CF arrangement was not fully applicable to it. This study assessed the existing CF arrangements with the aim of finding means of addressing the challenges and developing CF arrangements for sunflower farming. The study examined existing institutional arrangements and performance of CF in sunflower among smallholder farmers in Kibaigwa, Kinangali, Chenene and Haneti villages (Dodoma region) and Misigiri and Ulemo villages (Singida region). The study also determined factors essential for an effective CF arrangement in sunflower in the study area and formulated appropriate CF arrangement for sunflower. Stratified simple random sampling techniques were employed in selecting a representative sample of contracted and non contracted farmers where 124 contract farmers and 202 non contracted farmers were interviewed. Purposive sampling was employed to get key informants in this study. The study reveals that CF has significant positive influence in increasing farm productivity. Results show that the revenue of contract farmers increased from Tsh 184,437/= in first year to 320, 704/= in year four. However, the institutional arrangement is not well structured for effective performance of CF in sunflower in the study area. Results show that for effective performance of CF, timely provision of extension services and inputs, attractive prices of produces and trust are among the factors for an effective performance of CF in sunflower. Based on the findings, the study puts forward five major recommendations; establishing effective monitoring system to assure conditions and terms of agreements are adhered; writing the contract document in the form and language that majority of the farmers can understand and setting attractive and fair prices in CF. Other recommendations include establishing insurance programme to take care of the production risks and creating awareness on the usefulness of CF in sunflower among farmers.
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    Mystification and demystification as a trope in Alain Mabanckou’s writings
    (The University of Dodoma, 2018) Kilatu, Emmanuel
    This study investigated the writings of Alain Mabanckou, the giant Congolese literary writer for mystification and demystification as a trope he employs in his writings. It was guided by two theoretical underpinnings which are Roland Barthes’ perspectives on myth: myth as a type of speech and myth as a semiological system. It was also guided by the post-colonial theory with leanings on Homi Bhabha’s Hybridity, Mimicry and Ambivalence. Three specific objectives guided this study. First, to highlight the manifestations of myth in Mabanckou’s writings, two, to explore how Mabanckou’s writings employ mystification and demystification in his writings and three, to determine why Mabanckou employs mystification and demystification in his writings. Data were largely collected through library research in the universities of Dodoma, Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi and Makerere supplemented by interviews conducted to the academic staff of the University of Dar-es-Salaam, the University of Nairobi and Makerere University. The findings of this study revealed that there is evident manifestation of mythical elements in Mabanckou’s writings such as portrayal of characters with extraordinary characteristics such as having two mouths, faces and two male genitalia. Others are such cannibalism of the pygmies, Africa as the heart of darkness, the myth of Paris, and the instances where the characters are shown to be ugly more than they are. The study also revealed that characters, places and objects are mystified and demystified in these writings by being assigned with extra limbs, unusual appearance, dangerous sexual organs, unusual ability to do things or inflict harm to others or make people win elections, get employed or make them rich. It was revealed that when such characters, places and objects are demystified, they are shown to be normal, small, liars, stupid, not real or genuine, helpless and sometimes comic. It was established that employment of mystification and demystification in Mabanckou’s writings is done for a number of reasons, some of them being to: show reality, negate and justify, put in place social control mechanisms, show cultural values, create suspense, juxtapose, push and sustain the narrative, motivate and encourage, entertain, satirise and show permanence of ideas or ideology. This study recommends that other studies be done on Mabanckou’s use of myths in his fictional writings as a point of departure from other giant African literary writers such as Achebe, Ngugi, and Soyinka who more or less use traditional myth unlike Mabanckou who uses both culturally appropriated and improvised myths.
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    Ufutuhi katika nathari ya Kiswahili ulinganisho wa nathari za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi
    (Chuo kikuu cha Dodoma, 2014) Ponera, Athumani Salum
    Tasnifu hii inajadili jinsi ufutuhi unavyotumiwa katika nathari ya Kiswahili. Hoja kuu ya tasnifu ni kwamba nathari za waandishi teule, Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi, zimeundwa kwa kutumia ufutuhi kama mbinu mojawapo ya kibunilizi inayotumiwa pia na Watanzania katika maisha yao ya kila siku. Dhana ya ufutuhi imetafitiwa na kuelezwa kama dhana jumuifu inayomaanisha kwa pamoja kicheko, tabasamu, raha, na furaha ambayo huweza kuletwa na maneno au matendo au mazingira yoyote kupitia vijenzi kama vile vijembe, dhihaka, kejeli, tashtiti, ufyosi, na utani. Kimsingi, kichokozi kikubwa cha kufanyika kwa utafiti ulioizaa tasnifu hii ni utafiti mwingine uliofanywa na Ponera (2008 - 2010) ambao ulichunguza jinsi Shaaban Robert alivyoitumia mbinu ya ufutuhi katika riwaya zake. Utafiti huu mpya ulipanua utafiti tangulizi kwa: kulinganisha ufutuhi uliomo katika bunilizi za Shaaban Robert na Euphrase Kezilahabi, kuchunguza jinsi mbinu hii ya ufutuhi inavyotokea na kutumiwa na Watanzania, kulinganisha na kulinganua miktadha iliyowasababisha waandishi teule watumie mbinu hii katika nathari zao, pamoja na kulinganisha na kulinganua utokeaji na mtawanyo wa matukio ya kifutuhi katika makundi yote matatu ya nathari za waandishi teule. Kwa hiyo, katika kufanya mjadala, sehemu ya data zilizoijenga tasnifu hiyo ya 2010 zimerejelewa na kupanuliwa. Utafiti ulifanyika maktabani na uwandani kupitia mbinu za udurusu wa maandiko, usaili, mjadala wa vikundi, na ushuhudiaji. Utafiti na uchambuzi wa data uliongozwa na misingi ya nadharia za Upokezi na Ukanivali. Upokezi ulitumika zaidi kutathminia maoni ya watafitiwa kuhusu kuwapo au kutokuwapo kwa mwelekeo wa kifutuhi katika nathari za waandishi teule. Ukanivali ulihusika zaidi na ubainishaji na uchambuzi wa matukio yenyewe ya kifutuhi. Matokeo ya utafiti yanaonesha kuwa katika maisha ya Watanzania ufutuhi hujitokeza kama tukio la kifasihi, tukio la kijamii, tukio la kiujumi, au kama kiambata cha msingi katika maisha ya sasa. Aina za ufutuhi zilizobainika katika nathari za waandishi teule ni tano. Aina hizo ni ufutuhi wa utwezaji ambao msingi wake ni matumizi ya ufyosi au matusi, ufutuhi wa balagha unaoegemea katika utiaji chumvi, na ufutuhi wa unyume ambao msingi wake ni uwasilishaji wa jambo kwa hali ya upindu kupitia kejeli, dhihaka, vijembe, tashtiti, na utani. Nyingine ni ufutuhi wa majazi unaoegemea katika matumizi ya lakabu, pamoja na ufutuhi wa utanakuzi unaojengwa na mnato na mvuto unaotokana na uteuzi na mpangilio wa maneno. Tofauti za ufutuhi uliomo katika bunilizi za waandishi hawa zinatokana na: silika na tajiriba zao, utamaduni, mikabala ya kiitikadi na kifalsafa, pamoja na masafa ya kiwakati. Ufutuhi uliotumiwa katika nathari hizo huipatia hadhira tija za kijamii, za kipedagojia, za kiafya, za kiujumi, pamoja na za kiepistemolojia. Kwa upande wa madhara, mbinu hii huweza kuleta madhara ya kimaadili kwa hadhira, yale ya kiutunzi kwa mtunzi mwenyewe, pamoja na madhara ya kijamii. Upo mchango mpya ulioibuliwa na utafiti huu katika taaluma ya fasihi; nao ni huu ufuatao: Mosi, ufafanuzi wa dhana yenyewe ya ufutuhi kama dhana jumuifu. Pili, kufafanuliwa kwa nadharia tatu za ufutuhi (Mkwezo, Msigano na Burudiko) zinazoelezea jinsi ufutuhi unavyoweza kutokea (kupitia ama ridhiko la nafsi au kuwapo kwa pengo au msigano baina ya uwasilishaji na uhalisi wake). Tatu, ni kubainishwa kwa misingi ya taaluma ya Fasihi Linganishi inayoweza kutumika katika tafiti zenye mwelekeo wa kiulinganishaji. Nne, kuibuliwa kwa aina tano za ufutuhi zilizodokezwa katika aya ya hapo juu. Tano, kuibuliwa kwa tija na madhara ya mbinu hii. Na, sita, ni kuitambulisha dhana ya ufutuhi kama umbo la kitaaluma.
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    The role of religion in development: the case of christianity in the Matengo highlands from 1890 to 1968
    (The University of Dodoma, 2014) Kapinga, Mandiluli Osmund
    This study investigated on the role of Christianity (Roman Catholic Mission) and the extent to which it influencedin the socio-economic development of the Matengo Highlands. This study analyzed the evolution, existence, practice and role of traditional religious values and missionary (Germans nationals) strategy of conversion through the support of German colonial administration.The study further investigated why during the British colonial rule up to 1945 there was phenomenal expansion of Christianity in the Matengo Highlands. The study also investigated why from 1950s Missionaries prepared smooth transition to indigenous clergy, local church and finally in 1968 the missionaries retreated to Peramiho Abbatia. The evidence gathered through archival, observation, group discussion, interviews and the secondary data methods concluded that until 1918 when German Benedictines were interned and finally deported to German in 1920 Christianity did not yet had root in the Matengo Highlands. But the mission centers rose from 2 in 1926 to 12 in 1968, the number of converts rose from 4000 in 1920 to 150,000 in 1968 subsequently ranking number one in the whole of Tanzania. Until 1961 when independence was achieved in Tanzania, the Matengo Highlands did not have any education and health services apart from those offered by the Roman Catholic missionaries. However, evidence does not conclude that these services were liberative and developmental to Wamatengo. To the contrary evidence suggests that Christianity made Matengo people dependent and submissive to missionaries. When in early 1969 the missionaries retired to Peramiho Abbatia, the Matengo remained helpless and dependent.
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    Uchanganuzi na uhakiki wa athari za unukuzi-hati kutoka Kiarabu kwenda Kiswahili – mifano kutoka utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi (na Sayyid Abdallah A. Nasir – tafsiri ya William Hichens 1939)
    (Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma, 2017) Feruzi, Abdul Malick
    Utafiti huu umejikita katika mada ya Uchanganuzi na Uhakiki wa Athari za Unukuzi-hati kutoka Kiarabu kwenda Kiswahili – Mifano kutoka Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi (Na Sayyid Abdallah bin Nasir – Tafsiri ya William Hichens 1939). Kwa asili ya Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi uliandikwa kwa Hati ya Kiarabu katika lugha ya Kiswahili. Utenzi huo umekuwa ni ufunguo wa utafiti huu kutokana na kuwa na sifa ya historia ndefu iliyobeba istilahi zilizosheheni mitazamo ya kitafiti kati ya Hati ya Kiarabu na Hati ya Kirumi zilizochangia maendeleo ya lugha ya Kiswahili. Mmsingi wa utafiti huu upo mambo yafuatayokwanza, suala kuu la utafiti huu ni kuwa hapajawahi kutafitiwa athari zilizojitokeza katika taaluma hii ya Unukuzi-hati na nafasi yake au mchango wake katika maendeleo ya lugha ya Kiswahili. Pili,mbinu zilizotumika katika utafiti huu ni kutumia tasnia ya Unukuzi zaidi kama vile; Unukuzi-hati1, ambayo ndiyo ilikuwa mwongozo mkubwa kwa kupitia kazi za wataalamu waliotangulia, na kisha kuunganisha mitazamo yao ikiongozwa na Nadharia ya Unyambuaji Vitenzi. Mbinu nyingine ni ile ya mahojiano na udodosaji kwa watafitiwa. Tatu, utafiti huu ulichunguza na kuchanganua kwa makini athari ya Hati Chanzi ya Kiarabu kwenda katika Hati Lengwa ya Kirumi (ambayo ndiyo inayotumiwa katika lugha ya Kiswahili). Utenzi wa Al-Inkishafi uliteuliwa kama ni mfano muhimu wa uchanganuzi na Uhakiki wa Athari za Unukuzi-hati. Matokeo ya utafiti huu yana manufaa ya kuihuisha taaluma ya Unukuzi-hati, ambayo inaonekana kutopewa kipaumbele kutokana na sababu kubwa ya matumizi ya lugha zaidi ya mbili au tatu,. Pia, utafiti huu umependekeza njia nyepesi ya wasomi wengi kujifunza mbinu za Unukuzi-hati. Aidha, utafiti umeweza kuonesha asili ya mabadiliko ya hati hizi mbili (Kiarabu na Kirumi) kwa kurejelea na kuzingatia Etimolojia na Filolojia yake. Pia umeweza kuhamasisha na kutoa nafasi ya watafiti wengine kuchunguza njia za Unukuzi-hati nyingine kama vile Kiajemi, Kichina, Kikorea na Kihindi, ili wabaini michango ya lugha hizo katika ujenzi wa hati kwenda katika hati lengwa ya Kirumi.