Doctoral Theses


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    The role of resource nationalism in mitigating conflicts and improving community benefits: a case of Geita gold mine in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Richard, T. M.
    Tanzania gold mining sector has been experiencing social, economic, and environmental challenges. To mitigate these challenges, in 2017 the Parliament enacted mineral legislations. The impacts of these reforms are not clearly known since its enactment in 2017 due to limited studies. Thus, this study assessed the role of resource nationalism in mitigating conflicts and improving community benefits in Geita District. Specifically, the study assessed the contribution of old and new mineral legislations of 2017 on improving revenue and community benefits. The study also assessed the contribution of new mineral legislations on mitigating mineral resource conflicts and promoting environmental protection. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were applied. Data were collected through household survey, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, documentary review and physical observations from 384 respondents. Qualitative data were analysed by using content and thematic analysis while quantitative data were analysed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS software. The findings of the study have indicated that there was an increase in revenue collection from Geita Gold Mines Limited (GGML) by 190%. That is, from TZS 191 billion that was collected during the period of three years before the new legislations (2014/15- 2016/17) to TZS 554 billion for the same period of three years after new legislations (2017/18-2019/20). Also, projects financed through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) increased from 25 projects for the period of 2014/15-2016/17 to 150 projects after new legislations (2017/18-2019/20). Generally, the findings indicate good progress in aspects of revenue, community benefits, environmental conservation, and decrease in conflicts. The study recommends improvement in aspects of land boundaries, compensation, environmental management related issues, allocation of areas for small and medium miners, and effective implementation of local content policy. These aspects have been found to be the remaining conflicting issues. The study also recommends improvement in environmental protection measures such as provision of environmental education as well as enhancing community participation during designing and implementation of projects.
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    Uhusiano wa silika na utendaji wa wahusika wa fasihi ya watoto ya kiswahili: uchunguzi kifani wa ngoma ya mianzi na safari ya prospa
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mkomwa, S. S.
    Tasinifu hii ni zao la utafiti uliofanyika kuhusu uhusiano wa silika na utendaji wa wahusika wa Fasihi ya watoto ya Kiswahili. Utafiti uliofanyika uliongozwa na malengo mahususi matatu: Kufafanua namna mbalimbali za utendaji wa wahusika wakuu wa riwaya teule za Fasihi ya watoto, kuchambua aina za silika za wahusika wakuu wa riwaya teule za Fasihi ya watoto, na kutathimini athari za uhusiano baina ya utendaji wa wahusika wakuu wa Fasihi ya watoto na sifa za silika zao. Ili kufikia malengo hayo, uchunguzi kifani wa riwaya za Ngoma ya Mianzi na Safari ya Prospa ulizingatiwa. Utafiti ulifanyika katika mikoa ya Dodoma na Dar es Salaam. Tasinifu hii imetumia mkabala wa kitaamuli kwa sababu utafiti ulijikita zaidi katika kuchunguza tabia, hisia, na uzoefu wa wahusika. Data zilikusanywa kwa kutumia mbinu za usaili, usomaji matini, na majadiliano ya vikundi lengwa. Nadharia ya Saikochanganuzi ilisaidia kufikia malengo haya. Nadharia hii imebainisha nafsi na misingi mbalimbali ambayo ilitusaidia katika mchakato mzima wa utafiti uliofanyika. Matokeo ya utafiti yanaonesha kuwa wahusika hutenda mambo mbalimbali ili kushauri, kutoa taarifa, kuonya, kudanganya, kushawishi, na kudadisi. Pia, kila mhusika ana silika yake ambayo humtofautisha na mhusika mwingine. Prospa amebainika kuwa na silika ya melankoli na Sara ana silika ya sangwini. Kwa upande mwingine, Mbumi amebainika kuwa na silika ya koleriki na Chulu ana silika ya melankoli. Silika za wahusika zimewasaidia kufikia malengo yao, kwa sababu zimeepusha msuguano kati yao. Vilevile, utafiti ulibaini kuwa kuna uhusiano mkubwa kati ya utendaji na sifa za aina za silika, kwani, ili kutambua silika ya mhusika, ni lazima kuona matendo yake. Pia, silika ndiyo inayomsukuma mhusika kutenda kila akitendacho. Hivyo, tasinifu hii ina umuhimu mkubwa katika uga wa Fasihi ya watoto ya Kiswahili kwa kuwa inaleta chachu kwa watunzi na watafiti kutunga kazi zao kwa kuzingatia aina za silika na kuangalia uhusiano uliopo baina ya Fasihi na saikolojia. Mwisho, tasinifu inatoa mapendekezo kwa serikali, watunzi wa kazi za Fasihi na watafiti. Inapendekeza kuwa serikali ihakikishe inasisitiza usomaji wa vitabu vya ziada ili kukuza usomaji wa kifasihi na kuwawezesha wanafunzi kutambua silika zao kupitia wahusika watakaowasoma. Waandishi, wahakiki, na wataalamu wa Fasihi wafanye ufaraguzi wa kazi hizi ili ziweze kuigizika jukwaani. Hii ni kwa sababu, mambo yote yanayohitajika kwa ajili ya kuigiza yapo katika kazi hizi, kama vile maleba, mandhari, wahusika, na uhusika wao. Kwa hiyo, kupitia uigizaji, watazamaji, hususani watoto watatambua silika zao na za watu wengine wanaowazunguka. Hali hii itasaidia kupunguza migongano na migogoro kwa watoto na jamii kwa jumla.
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    Uchunguzi wa tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) John, B. N.
    Tasinifu hii inatokana na utafiti kuhusu uchunguzi wa tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule. Utafiti uliofanyika uliongozwa na malengo mahususi matatu yafuatayo: Mosi, kubainisha vipengele vya lugha ya ishara iliyotafsiriwa katika riwaya teule. Pili, kufafanua mbinu za kisanaa zilizotumika kutafsiri lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule. Tatu, kuchambua upungufu wa tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule. Aidha, utafiti uliofanyika uliongozwa na nadharia mbili, nazo ni Nadharia ya Semiotiki na Nadharia ya Ulinganifu wa Kimawasiliano. Nadharia hizi zilitumika katika hatua za ukusanyaji wa data, uchanganuzi wa data, na uwasilishaji wa matokeo ya utafiti. Ukusanyaji wa data ulihusisha njia kuu mbili, uchambuzi wa matini na usaili. Njia ya uchambuzi wa matini ilihusisha usomaji wa riwaya teule ambazo ni Wema Hawajazaliwa na Shetani Msalabani pamoja na matini chanzi zake. Njia ya usaili ilihusisha usaili wa watafitiwa ishirini na mmoja. Matokeo ya utafiti yanadhihirisha kuwa vipengele vya lugha ya ishara iliyotafsiriwa katika riwaya teule inahusisha matumizi ya wahusika na uhusika wa kiishara, matukio ya kiishara, mandhari ya kiishara, jina la riwaya la kiishara na dhana mbalimbali za kiishara. Pia, matokeo yanaonesha mbinu mbalimbali za kisanaa zilizotumika kutafsiri lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule. Mbinu hizo ni: matumizi ya hadithi, utomeleaji, motifu ya safari, matumizi ya tamathali za semi, na matumizi ya taswira za kiishara. Aidha, imebainika kuwa kuna upungufu wa tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara katika riwaya teule. Upungufu huo unatokana na upotoshaji, udondoshaji, tofauti za kiutamaduni na tofauti za kisarufi matamshi. Utafiti uliofanyika umeleta mchango mpya ufuatao: Mosi, umechunguza tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara kwa umahususi wake na si kuangalia tafsiri ya vipengele vya fasihi kwa ujumla. Pili, umeweka bayana umuhimu wa tafsiri ya lugha ya ishara katika matini za kifasihi. Tatu, umeonesha namna tafsiri ya neno moja moja linavyoweza kuibua lugha ya ishara kupitia matukio na mandhari ya kiishara. Nne, umefanya ukuzaji wa wigo wa kimatumizi wa Nadharia ya Semiotiki na Nadharia ya Ulinganifu wa Kimawasiliano. Kwa ujumla, utafiti uliofanyika unapendekeza tafiti zijazo zijikite katika tanzu nyingine za fasihi andishi kama vile tamthilia na ushairi ambazo nazo hutumia lugha ya ishara.
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    Athari za fonolojia ya lugha ya kwanza katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa kiswahili sanifu kama lugha ya pili: uchunguzi kifani kihehe
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Ngenzi, M.
    Utafiti huu ulihusu athari za fonolojia ya lugha ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili. Tatizo lililochochea utafiti huu ni upotoshwaji na uharibifu wa maana za maneno unaosababisha kutatizika kwa mawasiliano miongoni mwa wajifunzaji lugha ya Kiswahili Sanifu wa jamii ya Wahehe. Utafiti huu uliongozwa na malengo mahususi manne ambayo ni: kubainisha vipengele vya fonolojia ya Kihehe vinavyohawilishwa katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili; kuchambua athari za fonolojia ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili; kufafanua sababu za utokeaji wa athari za fonolojia ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili; na kuibua mbinu zinazoweza kutumika katika kuzikabili athari za fonolojia ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili. Utafiti huu ulifanyika nchini Tanzania katika Mkoa wa Iringa, Wilaya ya Kilolo, katika Shule za msingi za Lyamko, Boma la Ng’ombe, Ng’ang’ange na Mdeke. Huu ulikuwa ni utafiti wa kitaamuli na mbinu zilizotumiwa kukusanya data ni usimulizi wa hadithi, usaili, jaribio na uchambuzi matini. Ulihusisha sampuli ya watafitiwa (32) kwa mgawanyiko ufuatao: Wanafunzi (24) na walimu (8). Matokeo ya utafiti huu yanaonesha kuwa wajifunzaji lugha wa jamii ya Wahehe huiathiri lugha ya Kiswahili Sanifu kifonolojia kupitia uhawilishaji wa fonimu za Kihehe, yaani irabu /á:/ /é:/ /í:/ /ó:/ na /ú:/ zenye toni, na konsonanti /s/ /f/ na /l/, pamoja na viarudhi. Viarudhi vya Kihehe vilivyobainika kuhawilishwa ni toni, wakaa na lafudhi. Uhawilishwaji wa vipengele hivyo umebainika kusababisha mabadiliko katika baadhi ya fonimu za Kiswahili Sanifu yanayoathiri mawasiliano kwa sababu ya upotoshwaji na uharibifu wa maana za maneno yake. Utafiti huu pia umebaini sababu anuwai za utokeaji wa athari za fonolojia ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili. Baadhi ya sababu hizo ni athari za lugha ya kwanza, na tofauti za mfumo wa fonolojia baina ya Kiswahili Sanifu na Kihehe. Kutokana na matokeo haya, inapendekezwa kuwa mbinu mbalimbali zitumiwe ili kuzikabili athari za fonolojia ya Kihehe katika mawasiliano ya wajifunzaji wa Kiswahili Sanifu kama lugha ya pili. Baadhi ya mbinu hizo ni: kuwapo kwa vitabu na maandiko mbalimbali ya Kiswahili, kuwapo kwa uchangamani mpana wa jamii tofautitofauti na wajifunzaji lugha ya Kiswahili.
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    Pedagogical practices for nurturing the minds of the 21st century among non-formal secondary school learners in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2022) Michael, Tulia Deo Bamira
    This study examined the pedagogical practices for nurturing the minds of the 21st century among non-formal secondary school learners in Tanzania. The study was guided by the Socio-cultural Theory. The study employed a qualitative approach and it adopted the phenomenology design. The study was carried out in Kinondoni Municipal Council in Dar-es-Salaam Region in four non-formal secondary education centers. A total number of 60 participants were involved in the study where 44 were learners, 8 teachers, 4 heads of the non-formal secondary education centers, one (1) Municipal Adult Education Officer, one (1) Municipal Secondary Education Officer, one (1) Municipal Executive Director and one (1) coordinator for non-formal secondary education from the Institute of Adult Education (IAE). Interviews, observations, focus group discussions and documentary reviews were the main methods for data collection. The findings indicate that pedagogical practices utilized by teachers were inadequate for nurturing the minds of the 21st century among non formal secondary school learners. The findings also indicate that the instructional strategies employed by teachers such as lectures, questions and answers, group discussions, oral presentations and problem-solving had a low contribution to nurture the minds of the 21st century among learners. It was again found that the teaching and learning materials employed by teachers had limited contribution to nurturing the minds required for the 21st century among learners such as summarized notes, pamphlets, past paper reviews, and instructional materials. It was further found that the formative and summative assessment techniques used by teachers to assess the learners were limited and could not help them to nurture the minds needed for the 21st century. These techniques were weekly, monthly and mid-term tests, terminal, annual, pre-and mock examinations and most of them were of the cognitive domain orientation. In addition, it was found that teachers tended to concentrate their attention on academic performance without ensuring that learners acquire the minds that can help them fit in the labor market economy place. The study concludes that for teachers to nurture the minds that are required by the learners of the 21st century in non-formal secondary education, they need pedagogical practices that encourage collaboration, interaction, and full participation of the learners in learning. For this to be a reality, teachers in non-formal secondary schools need training on interactive pedagogies that meet the requirements of the 21st century generation.
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    Outsourcing and sustainable local government revenue collection in Tanzania: the case of Kilosa district council
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Rashidi, Ntanwa
    This study aimed at investigating factors for outsourcing and sustainable Local Government Revenue Collection (LGRC) in Tanzania. Specific interest was paid on sustenance and effectiveness of outsourced local government revenue. The study was carried out in Kilosa District Council (KDC), Morogoro region. The study employed a mixed-methods approach to address and analyze factors that had influenced the sustenance of outsourcing LGRC in KDC; the differences in terms of efficiency of revenue collection between outsourced and non-outsourced sources of revenue in KDC, and challenges facing outsourcing of local government revenue collection. The study also addressed the measures undertaken by KDC to deal with the challenges encountered, as well as the efficacy achieved from the measures adopted. Qualitative approaches enabled the study to solicit detailed information through the methods of data collection such as interviews, FGD’s and documentary reviews. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze qualitative data, while descriptive statistics like frequencies and percentages were computed using SPSS and MS-Excel to facilitate the presentation, description and discussion of data. A cross-sectional research design encompassing both purposive and simple random sampling techniques was applied for this study. The findings indicated that KDC had managed to sustain outsourcing of LGRC for all ten years covered by the study (2008-2018) as well as improve LGRC through outsourcing practice. The findings revealed that sustenance of outsourcing relied on a combination of factors such as performance of contracted agents, enabling conditions and effective measures devised by the council; roles played by ward committee and village council members as well as taxpayers. Two systems of outsourcing were reported to operate in KDC; the first system which ended in the 2016/2017 financial year used contracted firms to collect outsourced revenue; and the latter system which began in 2017/2018, used indigenous collecting agents who were working under the supervision of WEOs and VEOs on behalf of the council. Likewise, the findings showed that the measures that were devised by KDC in the new system of outsourcing were acknowledged and accepted not only by officials but also many taxpayers. The study recommends that such measures be adopted by other LGAs, particularly those which have already stopped outsourcing. The experiences from KDC may also be learnt and practised by local councils that have not yet employed the new system of outsourcing. In the effort to sustain and improve outsourcing, the Government and other stakeholders in local governance should establish stable policies and rules which govern outsourcing, and delegate more material and financial resources to lower levels where the WEOs and VEOs have been made the immediate supervisors of collecting agents in local councils that have adopted the new system of outsourcing such as KDC.
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    Civic engagement mechanisms for domestic water service delivery at Kondoa district council, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2021) Anselmi, Benedict
    Worldwide, governance trends towards civic engagement to make pathways through which citizens’ participate in improving public service delivery, including water services. Albeit that Tanzania embraces civic engagement, access to water services remains a longstanding problem for the majority of rural communities in the country. This pointed for this research to investigate the relationship between civic engagement mechanisms and water service delivery in Kondoa District Council. Specifically, the study was centred on four broad themes, namely (i) the status of domestic water service delivery to households (ii) the extent to which civic engagement mechanisms are mainstreamed into water service decision-making processes (iii) the influence of civic engagement mechanisms on water service delivery and (iv) the moderating effects of collective action in the relationship between civic engagement mechanisms and water service delivery. Principal Agent and Collective Action theories were employed to inform how citizens were engaged in water service delivery. A mixed-method approach was used to generate data through survey of 376 households, 14 in-depth interviews, 4 focus group discussions, and field observations. The IBM SPSS and Nvivo software were employed respectively for data analyses. The finding indicated the majority of the population in Kondoa District Council received water lower than established standards in national water policy of year 2002 and the District is off track to meeting development vision 2025. The study also uncovered that the pathways for civic engagement in decisionmaking processes are moderately open but the citizens are less capable of influencing the pre-determined position of the public officials. Moreover, the results indicated that the citizens’ voice and accountability have the highest regression weight and are, thus, the best predictors of quality and physical access to water services. Further result indicated that collective action significantly moderated the influence of civic engagement mechanisms on water service delivery. The study concludes that the combinative effect of citizens‟ voice, accountability and collective action increases the chances of having access to water services at Kondoa District Council. The study recommends policy reforms that will embrace the formation of community selfdesigned institutions to instill a sense of collective action and ownership in management of water facilities.
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    Improving vocabulary and reading comprehension in English learning in Tanzania using English language supportive material (ELSM)
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) Ndabakurane, Jesse Julius
    The study aimed to design and develop English Language Supportive Material (ELSM) to improve students’ vocabulary and reading comprehension proficiencies. It therefore addressed the problem of low level of proficiency in vocabulary and reading comprehension among students in secondary schools in Tanzania. This study was conducted in Kagera Region and involved Community Secondary Schools. It was conducted in 11 schools and recruited 414 Form II students and 11 English teachers during preliminary investigation. Similarly, it was conducted in 4 schools and involved 144 Form II students and 4 English teachers who were purposively and randomly selected during the implementation and evaluation of ELSM. Design Based Research (DBR) approach was adopted in developing ELSM. Five topics were designed and prototyped in two successive iterations. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods in generating data. The data were collected using self administered questionnaire, interview, Focus Group Discussion, attitude test, achievement tests, and classroom observation. The findings revealed that using Kiswahili in teaching and learning English was realistic. Most students were capable of learning and using more English vocabulary in interaction. They were also capable of comprehending texts with the presence of English-Kiswahili translations. Paired sample-t test of comparing pre-test and post-test mean scores of students who sat for both pre-test and post-test for reading comprehension proved significant increase in mean score for four schools (t-value=15.28, p<0.0001). Based on the study findings, it can be concluded that ELSM has significant potential in improving the students’ vocabulary and reading comprehension proficiencies. Towards curriculum reform in recognition of the role of students’ familiar language as a facilitator or resource, the findings of the current study reveal that Kiswahili is useful in English teaching and learning in Tanzania. The study recommends that the government, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, should review the current curriculum to accommodate Kiswahili as a resource in teaching and learning English.
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    Political culture and power sharing in Zanzibar: The case of the 2010 general elections (Doctoral thesis).
    (The University of Dodoma, 2020) John, Pius
    This study examined the influence of political culture on power sharing in Zanzibar. The study focused on the 2010 General Elections which saw a Government of National Unity that collapsed with the 2015 General Elections. Specifically, the study focused on: (i) assessing the electorate’s perception of sharing political power in key political institutions (cabinet, parliament, electoral body, policy agenda) in Zanzibar (ii) assessing the electorate’s political values in accommodating the sharing of key political institutions in Zanzibar (iii) examining the nature of institutional set-up towards accommodating a mixed cabinet, parliament and electoral body in Zanzibar, and; (iv) assessing the contribution of political culture elements towards power sharing in the key political institutions in Zanzibar. Three theories, namely social-cultural viability, cultural congruence and institutional coherence guided the study to establish the place of political culture in sustaining power sharing. A cross-sectional research design through the survey method was adopted. A sample frame based on a voter’s register was used to select 200 respondents through systematic random sampling. Purposive sampling technique was used to select key informants from each Shehia and those who served in the Government of National Unity. Purposive sampling was also used to select focus group discussion participants. Secondary data were collected from different sources including political party offices. SPSS version 20 was used to analyse primary data. Content analysis was employed to analyse qualitative data. The overall findings show that the perception of sharing political power was favourable among the respondents, implying propensity to power-sharing arrangements. The Mann-Whitney U test indicated that the perception of sharing political power was the same between different groups. Further results from the Logistic Regression indicated a number of factors influencing power sharing: sex, political values of accommodation, political tolerance, place of birth and political affiliation. The findings also indicated that institutional arrangements were insufficient to accommodate power sharing. The study concludes that despite preference for power sharing, the electorate fell short of political values necessary to sustain power sharing arrangements. The study recommends, among others, meaningful dialogue and further institutional reforms to establish a framework for peace and political accommodation.
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    Gender relations in the discourse of Sukuma songs
    (The University of Dodoma, 2017) Masele, Esther Julius
    This study examined gender relations in the discourse of Sukuma songs in Kishapu district, in Shinyanga region. The study had three specific objectives: to examine Sukuma cultural lives with regard to gender relations in the discourse of Sukuma songs; to examine the aspects of gender inequalities in the discourse of Sukuma songs; and to assess the power of discourse of Sukuma songs in enhancing sensitization on gender equality and in bolstering gender inequality. The study adopted an ethnographic research design. Purposive and snowballing sampling procedures were used to get a total of 26 singers; 11 key informants; and 30 participants for focused group discussions. The study used primary and secondary sources of data, which were collected through interviews, direct observation, focused group discussions and document analysis. An eclectic procedure, which combined Thematic Coding Approach (TCA) and Discourse Analysis (DA) based on Poststructuralist and Third World feminist theories were used to analyse the data. The study found that the life of the Sukuma people is controlled by unfair gendered roles in such aspects as leadership and authority, social organization, and the institutions of marriage. Besides, patriarchal ideology was found manifested in male chauvinistic tendencies exercised over the less privileged groups, such as women and children, who had no power to influence changes, to inherit and/or own family properties and take responsibilities in family care and management, in relation to men. Moreover, it was found that these songs played a great role in bolstering gender inequality, which in one way, led to gender sensitivity among the people. On the other hand, these songs, in some ways, were found to encourage loss of courage and confidence causing despair among the women, leading to their passive acceptance of the low status in the Sukuma society. Finally, based on the findings, it is recommended that, in order to solve the problems that encourage gender inequality among the Sukuma people, the organizations and institutions which deal with gender issues should extend their emancipative services, particularly, to the villages where women suffer from the consequences of inequality resulting from inherited cultural practices.
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    The impact of climate change to smallholder farmers and adaptation strategies: The case of traditional irrigation farming systems in west Usambara highlands
    (The University of Dodoma, 2017) Maro, Fredy Lister
    This study aimed at assessing the impact of climate change on traditional irrigation farming systems and adaptation strategies was conducted in Lushoto District. The specific objectives were to establish the trend and magnitude of climate change in the study area for the past 30 years (1985-2014), to assess the impact of climate change on crop yield in Ndiwa and Chamazi traditional irrigation farming systems, to analyse the way traditional irrigation farmers adapt to climate change and to develop decision guide for adaptation to climate change in traditional irrigation farming systems. A cross-sectional explanatory research design encompassing both purposive and systematic random sampling was adopted for this study. The study sample comprised of 380 households, 48 members of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and 15 key informants. Primary data from household heads and key informants were collected through a questionnaire survey, FGDs, interviews and the researcher‘s observations while secondary data were collected through documents reviews including annual reports from District Agriculture Irrigation and Cooperative Offices and weather reports of the study area for the past 30 years from Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA). Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency and percentages were computed to establish the trends and magnitude of climate change using SPSS and MS-Excel programs. Cross-tabulation between rainfall and crop yield trends was used to establish the impact of climate change on crop yields. Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, percentages and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis were performed to identify the most feasible adaptation strategies and adaptive capacity of farmers. Decision guide for adaptation to climate in traditional irrigation farming systems was developed in order to integrate the challenges of climate change and those related to the adaptive capacity to enhance adaptation actions. The results show that for the past 30 years (1985-2014) climate variables such as annual mean (minimum and maximum) temperature and annual mean rainfall have been increasing and decreasing respectively in fluctuating patterns. For the past 30 years, annual mean (minimum and maximum temperature) have increased by 0.83Oc and 2.4oC respectively and annual mean rainfall has decreased by 803mm. Climate change has affected crop yield in Ndiwa and Chamazi traditional irrigation systems through decrease amount of water for irrigation, an outbreak of crop diseases, pests and insects. Farmers engaged in Ndiwa and Chamazi irrigation systems adopted different adaptation strategies to combat the impact of climate change. These include cultivating near water sources, crop diversification, digging of shallow wells and application of pesticides. However, the adaptive capacity to climate change for Ndiwa farmers was 41.6% indicating moderate adaptive capacity while that of Chamazi farmers was 23.6% indicating low adaptive capacity. The decision guide for adaptation to climate change for traditional irrigation farming systems was finally proposed with the intention of facilitating Ndiwa and Chamazi farmers to select appropriate adaption actions to the impact of climate change. It has been recommended that the government and other stakeholders should extend their efforts more to help the farmers engaged in Ndiwa and Chamazi irrigation systems to improve their adaptative capacity to climate change. They should especially help farmers to access the following; climate information, land and security of tenure, water sources, and financial resources, agricultural inputs, agricultural extension services and improved transport and irrigation infrastructures. The government, particularly the local government authority of Lushoto, should also sensitize farmers to establish and strengthen the farmer-based organizations. The central government and other stakeholders should further help in improving irrigation farming and the coordination between crop research centres, extension and farmers.
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    Accountability as an element of governmentality: An investigation of National and local executive accountability practices in the water sector in Tanzania
    (University of Twente, 2017) Katomero, Jesper George
    In Africa, and Tanzania in particular, international donors increasingly exert influence on governments to embrace accountability reforms as a pre-condition for receiving bilateral and multilateral development aid. This influence is noticeable in the Washington Consensus ideas about economic development and in concomitant funding programs by the World Bank, International Monitory Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and even Non-Governmental Organisations. This is exemplified by World Bank funded programs to improve public service delivery in Africa through the Water Sector Development Programs, Water Sector Reform Programs and the subsequent Water Policies. In this context, accountability is a key determinant in defining power relations between African countries and their western counterparts. This study sought to answer the research question “how are public officials held to account in Tanzania in the context of water service delivery?” To answer this question, accountability practices in three levels of governance were analysed: national, regional and local, as well as the impact of trans-national arrangements on accountability practices at these levels. The study also examined the potential of enlisting ICT and mobile phone initiatives for enhancing accountability in the water sector. The results indicate that accountability practices in the water service delivery sector in Tanzania can be understood as an interplay of different and often conflicting governmentalities where conflicting rationalities, mentalities and technologies are intertwined. This gives rise to complex and self-contradictory drivers, the result of which is that formal international donor accountability reforms are difficult to implement and can lead to counterproductive results. Thus, holding national and local level public officials to account should not be understood only through the lenses of principal-agent (PA) and collective-action (CA) theory, because these do not capture all drivers and interactions. In practice, the locally understood informal accountability governmentalities compete with the donor-driven formal accountability governmentalities. Only by quitting their roles do donors help give Tanzanian citizens a chance to hold their government accountable. Likewise, only by having a more encompassing, balanced incremental approach to various conflicting governmentalities, the people of Tanzania can start to fight corruption, and maybe introduce other changes that draw on the good elements of governmentality.
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    Dryland community resilience to climate change: A case of grapevine farmers in Chamwino district and Dodoma municipality
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) Mahenge, Felix
    This study which aimed at assessing the resilience of dryland grapevine farmers to climate change was conducted in Chamwino District and Dodoma Municipality. The specific objectives were to identify the factors influencing grapevine production in the context of climate change, to assess the level of awareness of grapevine farmers on climate change, to assess the grapevine farmers‟ adaptation strategies and their adaptive capacity to climate change, and to develop the grapevine farmers‟ resilience framework to climate change. A cross-sectional research design encompassing both purposive and proportionate random sampling was adopted for this study. The study involved 248 grapevine farmers as primary grapevine stakeholders and 64 other secondary grapevine stakeholders. Primary data were collected through questionnaire survey, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and the research‟s observations, while secondary data were collected through documents review. Qualitative data collected from Focus Group Discussions and Key Informant interviews were analyzed through content analysis. Quantitative data collected through questionnaires were processed and analyzed by having the data edited, coded, summarized, and entered into the computer. The quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics were used to obtain frequencies and percentages for the coded responses. The results were presented through tables, figures, and graphs. The findings showed that climate variables (minimum and maximum temperature, annual mean rainfall, and wind speed) in the study area had been fluctuating over the past 20 years. Many grapevine farmers were aware of climate change on grapevine production. Climate change affected grapevine production through outbreak of diseases and pests, drought, low rainfall, and grapevine fruit damage by birds. The grapevine farmers adopted different adaptation strategies to combat the impacts of climate change. These included the application of pesticides, the use of scaring methods to threaten birds, irrigation systems, timed pruning, application of manure and diversification to other farm or off-farm activities. The grapevine farmers‟ resilience framework to climate change was finally proposed with an intention to strengthen grapevine farmers to successfully adopt and apply the adaptation strategies. It has been recommended that the government and other grapevine stakeholders should extend their efforts more to help the grapevine farmers to improve and apply the existing climate change adaptation strategies. They should especially help grapevine farmers to access different opportunities, climate information sources, land and security of tenure, water sources, financial resources, agricultural inputs, agricultural extension services and improved transport and irrigation infrastructure. The government, particularly the local government authorities (Chamwino District and Dodoma Municipality), should also sensitize grapevine farmers to establish and strengthen the farmer based organizations. The central government and other grapevine stakeholders should further help in improving the coordination between crop research centers, extension, and farmers. It is further recommended that the proposed resilience framework with its key steps (farmer based organizations, asset base, institutional coordination, and informed decision-making) which is specific to semi-arid areas be tested.
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    Contribution of social transfer interventions towards universal health coverage in Dodoma region, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2019) Mbaula, Walter
    This study examined the effects of social transfer programmes in facilitating access and utilization of health care services and its implications in attaining universal health coverage in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. A cross-sectional survey of 402 household beneficiaries of social transfer programmes was carried out using interviewer administered questionnaire. In addition, 18 focus group discussions were carried out with community members and 12 in-depth interviews were held with programme officials and district councils’ officials. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used to test significance of quantitative data. Logistic regression analysis was employed to assess the determinants of enrolment in Community Health Fund (CHF) and utilization of outpatient and inpatient health services. Qualitative data were thematically analyzed using content analysis. Results indicate that the process of identifying and selecting beneficiaries was affected by low community participation, inclusion of non-poor households, stigmatization of beneficiaries and duplication of efforts. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between type of social transfer benefits and household engagement in productive investments. There was no significant difference in housing improvement and accumulation of durable and non-durable assets between categories of social transfer beneficiaries. Cash transfer had a significant positive effect on the uptake of CHF while in-kind transfer had a significant negative effect on the uptake of CHF. There was significant and positive relation between cash transfer beneficiary households and utilization of outpatient services while participation in in-kind transfer programmes significantly increased the use of inpatient services. It was also revealed that being a member of CHF was significant negatively associated with the use of outpatient care services while it had no significant effect on the use related to inpatient care. It is concluded that the supplyside failures lead to low uptake of CHF and less utilization of health services. More so, adequate investments in the health sector to ensure availability, accessibility, adequacy and acceptability of services are inevitable in order to increase CHF uptake and increase the use of services.
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    Support services for women domestic violence survivors in Tanzania: The case of Dodoma city council and Mpwapwa district council
    (The University of Dodoma, 2019) Obwana, Neema Morris
    This study investigated about the availability of support services to the victims of domestic violence in Tanzania. It was guided by a socialist, liberal and empowerment feminist theories. The study employed mixed methods approach though it was dominated by qualitative approach. The study employed cross-sectional research design, where samples of 368 respondents were involved in the study through interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. It involved six wards of Kizota, Chamwino and Chang‟ombe from Dodoma City Council and Mazae, Vingh‟awe and Mpwapwa from Mpwapwa District Council. Data were analyzed using narrative and content analysis for qualitative data. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi Square. The results indicated that victims of the domestic violence exist in both Mpwapwa District Council and Dodoma City Council. The findings indicated that the provision of services for women domestic violence survivors such as marriage advice and reconciliation, temporary shelters, spiritual support and counseling were available in the study area. It was, however, found that services provided to this group were inadequate and mostly uncoordinated, and there were lack of specialists who could help the victims. The findings indicated further that there were problems related to bureaucracy, corruption, delay of cases and poor service provision to the victims. The study is, therefore, recommends for a need for the restructuring of the laws and regulations to allow more access to the support services for the victims of domestic violence.
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    Influence of human resource practices on human resource performance in decentralized health service delivery in Shinyanga region, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2019) Kisumbe, Lazaro Alman
    Globally it has been established that human resource (HR) practices are associated with human resource (HR) performance. The application of the HR practices appears to be effective when applied in the decentralized context where employees‟ accountability is effectively enhanced. It is in the same perspective that during the 1990s Tanzania adopted decentralization by devolution in which the HR practices are applied at a facility level to enhance the HR performance. Nevertheless, little is known regarding its influence on the performance in the country. The empirical studies from other countries reported mixed results ranging from significant to adverse influence of the practices on HR performance. Likewise, there is scant of literature regarding the mediated effects of job satisfaction between HR practices and HR performance. In this perspective, the study focused on examining the influence of HR practices on HR performance in the decentralized public services in Shinyanga region. Specifically, it examined the contribution of the HR practices on HR performance; the influence of HR practices on job satisfaction and direct and mediated effects of job satisfaction on HR performance in the decentralized public health services in the region. An explanatory cross-sectional survey design with mixed approach was used in this study. A survey tool was used to collect data from 287 respondents complimented by the qualitative data. It was revealed that HR practices have some influence on job satisfaction and HR performance. Likewise, job satisfaction established some direct and mediate effects on HR performance. However, among the HR practices, only HRP revealed significant odds of having improved performance. Similarly, only HRP and supervision revealed significant likelihood of being satisfied. Nevertheless, the ineffective employees‟ participation in HRP and failure of the CHMT to provide support impeded the effectiveness of these practices. The other HR practices revealed insignificant odds of having high performance and being satisfied. This is associated with the ineffective application of the practices. Thus, to improve HR performance, the following recommendations were raised: establishment of functional guidelines for employees‟ participation in HRP and relaxing the requirements to abide to the manning levels; filling CHMT posts with experienced HRH to provide support and effective application of the HR practice to enhance job satisfaction for improving its direct and mediated effects on human resource performance
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    Practices involved in the design and use of costumes in Bongo movies
    (The University of Dodoma, 2019) Gumbo, Mwajuma
    This thesis examines the practices involved in the design and use of costumes in Bongo Movies. Previous studies had generally concluded that there were malpractices in costume design and use but none had cared to conduct a systematic enquiry to find out why the situation had persisted. Hence, this study aimed at filling this knowledge gap. Employing a Semiotic theory, the study selected and reviewed three films namely Lerato, Godon and Heshima ya Ndoa in order to examine how costumes were designed and used, to investigate perceptions held by producers, directors, and costume designers as well as to analyze viewers’ reactions towards costume use. This study was conducted in the three Municipals of Dar es Salaam namely Kinondoni, Ilala and Temeke where most actors, costume experts, directors, producers, and viewers reside. The study sample had 70 respondents who were purposively selected and engaged through in-depth interviews as well as Focus Group Discussions to obtain primary data while Themantic Coding approach was used in the data analysis. This study found out that practices in costume design among Bongo Movie filmmakers do not conform to the standard costume design process because filmmakers’ understanding about costume designing and its role in film is limited. As a result, most of the costumes that are used are not compatible to the story, characters, setting and lighting. It was further found out that perceptions held by producers, directors and actors greatly affected their practices in costume design and use but viewers were sceptical about how costume was used. This study concludes that practices involved in design and use of costumes in Bongo Movies are directly related to the limited understanding of a standard costume design process and the held perceptions among filmmakers. It is therefore recommended that filmmakers adopt a standard costume design process through formal, informal and non-formal training and that viewers continue to watch Bongo Movies and continue to give their constructive criticism.
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    Microfinance institution services and women’s socio-economic development in Dodoma municipality-Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2018) Muyango, Danford Martin
    This study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality-Tanzania, aiming at assessing Women’s socio-economic development in relation to their involvement in MFIs. The specific objectives were to examine those micro-credits services and savings attracting women in MFIs, to analyze the women’s activities derived from MFIs services, to assess the current and potential collateralization that make MFIs trust women and to assess the contextual factors influencing women’s socio-economic development. A cross-sectional research design encompassing both purposive and proportionate random sampling was adopted, About 402 respondents were involved. Both Qualitative and Quantitative data obtained and analyzed through SPSS and ANOVA. Findings from this study suggest that women’s socio-economic development will remain at stake despite of their repetitive borrowing in MFIs because there is great disparity between loan application purpose and utilization. The role of MFIs has remained questionable because there are contextual factors that are hardly addressed. These include political, legal framework, culture and lending approaches causing unsustainable purchasing power of women despite of MFIs intervention. Furthermore, MFIs are continuing to exhaust funds from poor to make them even poorer through high interest rates, short tenured small loans imbedded under group lending approach, which are used as survival strategy of MFIs. This study recommends the government through BOT to establish laws that compel MFIs to recognize potential collaterals that are affordable by women and intervene on operations of Non depository taking MFIs particularly control on interest rates.
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    Entrepreneurial networks and performance of small and medium enterprises in Tanzania: The role of entrepreneur’s social competence
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) John, Elia
    The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) owner-manager‘s social competence on networks formation. Similarly, the study examined the interrelationship of three constructs namely: entrepreneurial networks, social competence, and business performance. Specifically, it investigated how entrepreneur‘s social competence made up of social perception, social adaptability, social expressiveness, impression management, and persuasiveness influences the types of networks formed by owner-managers and how in turn the relationship between these networks and SME performance is influenced by social competence. The study was undertaken in the two cities of Dar es Salaam and Mwanza. This research adopted a cross-sectional study design where by data were collected from manufacturing SMEs in Tanzania in four types of sub-sectors viz food processing, woodwork, ironwork, and textile. 250 owner-managers were selected through stratified random sampling procedure and interviewed. The collected data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Three major statistical analyses were performed viz factor analysis, multiple linear regression model, and Poisson regression model. Factor analysis was adopted in order to reduce social competence items into factors that are easily manageable in subsequent analyses. Poisson regression model was used to test the influence of social competence on networks formation. Regression analysis was done to test the direct relationship between social competence and SME performance as well as the interrelationship between networks, social competence and SME performance. The findings of the study show that the types of networks formed by SMEs vary and are associated with some of the demographic characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises. Furthermore, the study findings identify and indicate that a majority of social competence dimensions have a significant influence on networks formation and SME performance. Similarly, the findings show that many of the social competence attributes have a significant effect on the relationship between networks and SME performance. These findings suggest that: first, social competence is influential in determining the type of entrepreneurial networks among SMEs as well as SME performance; second, social competence dimensions have a significant relationship with SME performance; and third, social competence has an influence on the relationship between entrepreneurial networks and SME performance. In view of that, this study offers a lesson that the formation of useful networks depends on the entrepreneur‘s ability to effectively interact with others. This implies that a firms‘ emphasis on social competence attributes may enhance the effectiveness of networks on SME performance. Thus, in order to improve SME performance, capacity building to entrepreneurs on appropriate knowledge and skills on networking and social competence is crucial and should be part and parcel of the entrepreneurship strategy and policy.
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    Supply systems and social networks determining access and use of antibiotics in livestock and their implications on antibiotics resistance in Ngorongoro district, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2016) Matunga, Benta Nyamanyi
    Antibiotics resistance is a global concern that presents a major threat to veterinary public health as it reduces the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment in livestock and people. Many studies on antibiotics resistance have been based mainly on microbiology, biomedical and veterinary sciences in laboratory test with little attention paid to social aspects. Based on pastoralist communities in Ngorongoro District in Tanzania, the study examined how supply systems and social networks determine the access and use of antibiotics and their implications on antibiotics resistance. Specifically, the study sought to map out and examine how supply systems and social networks determine the access and use of antibiotics and to examine the implications of supply systems and social networks on antibiotics resistance. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches involving survey, key informant interview, focus group discussion; participatory wealth ranking and observation methods. A sample size of 221 respondents and 21 key informants were involved in the study. Quantitative data were analysed using statistical package for social sciences computer software version 20. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The findings revealed that supply systems have failed to provide adequate quality antibiotics and veterinary experts to impart proper knowledge, information, services and monitoring as well as regulatory control mechanisms for the distribution channel of antibiotics from the various sources to end users. This has forced end users to resort to strategies such as sharing antibiotics and knowledge on use of antibiotics. Among the important actors in social networks who determine access to and use of antibiotics include neighbours, friends, relatives, interest groups and traditional dealers. These actors are connected with social ties based on trust and reciprocity. However, they have limited knowledge on antibiotics handling and administration hence resulting into misuse of the drugs. This lack of knowledge has implications on antibiotics resistance. It is concluded that supply systems is associated with inadequate quality antibiotics, limited number of experts and limited knowledge of users of antibiotics. All these contribute to problem of antibiotics resistance. Therefore, social aspects are equally important in explaining antibiotics problem in livestock. It is therefore recommended that there should be capacity building to those who are involved in the supply systems and users on the proper access and use of antibiotics. Also, awareness creation to the public on the problem of antibiotics resistance should be part and parcel of the design and implementation of the livestock policy planning and interventions.