Master Dissertations


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    The flexibility of preventive internal control mechanisms in managing schools funds in public primary schools in Tanzania; experience from Bariadi district in Simiyu region
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Kobell, Deo N.
    This study is about the Flexibility of Preventive Internal Control Mechanisms in Managing Schools Funds in Public Primary Schools in Tanzania: Experience from Bariadi District in the Simiyu Region. Three objectives guided the study. The first objective focused on examining the implemented practices of the internal control Mechanisms for procurement activities in public primary schools. The second objective explored the perceptions of the primary schools' committee on the preventive internal control mechanisms for public primary schools. The third objective investigated the contextual approaches of implementing internal control mechanisms in primary schools. The study employed a mixed research approach using concurrent research design to generate data. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data collected qualitatively while quantitative data were analysed descriptively with the help of SPSS version 20. The study established that School committees (SCs) were well versed in internal control procedures. However, the study found that internal control and procurement procedures were being implemented partially. Besides that, the study revealed that internal control mechanisms and procurement procedures were facing a number of challenges. The study concludes that preventive internal control mechanisms in managing public primary school funds is very crucial since it ensures transparency, value for money and accountability of schools' financial management. Based on the findings, the study recommends that the government, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, should ensure there is a policy change to allow flexibility in preventive internal control mechanisms and procurement procedures in the management of school funds in public primary schools in Tanzania. Further, more sustainable financial education to SCs should be given, and the government should employ school bursars in public primary schools to execute procurement activities at the primary school level to avoid misuse of the public funds. The findings proposes that either Ward Education Officers (WEOs), e- procurement or a specific day should be a procurement day for verification of internal control documents as a solution for reducing the lengthy process in procurement.
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    Effectiveness in the implementation of facility financing accounting and reporting system by school committees in Tanzania: case of Morogoro municipality
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) John, Sophia
    The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness in the implementation of a facility financing accounting and reporting system (FFARS) by a school committee in primary schools in Tanzania. The study was guided by New Public Management theory. This study employed a qualitative research approach and phenomenological research design; the sample size was 43. These were the District Primary Education Officer (DPEO), District Treasurer (DT), Ward Education Officers (WEO), Headteachers (HT), Finance teacher, and School Committee members. Data were collected through interviews, documentary review, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results indicate that utilization of the FFARS system enhanced transparency, ensured a supply of financial resources, and reduced mismanagement of school funds. It was also found that using FFARS helped the administration and school committees manage the budget better and helped the schools make informed decisions related to the school budget. It was further found that finance teachers worked as accountants and were required to prepare and teach the lessons. However, the results indicate challenges related to a lack of training for finance teachers and a lack of computers, printers, and Internet connectivity that affected proper financial management. It is concluded in this study that FFARS improves school funds management despite the challenges that hinder its effective implementation. The study recommends that the government improve the use of FFARS for school financial management by strengthening teacher training and providing computers and Internet connectivity.
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    Parent-teacher collaboration in managing pupils’ truancy among public primary schools in Tanzania: the case of Kaliua district
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mwanyasi, Tumpe
    This study investigated parent-teacher collaboration (PTC) in managing pupils’ truancy among public primary school in Tanzania using Kaliua District as the case study. The study examined the collaboration strategies used by parents and teachers in managing truancy; assessed the extent to which PTC reduces truancy among pupils and explored parents’ and teachers’ views on improving collaboration in managing truancy among pupils. Bronfenbrenner’s Theory of Human Ecology which explains that the maturation of human being occurs in the context of relationship with families, friends, school, and society and not in isolation; guided the whole process of data collection and analysis. A mixed methods approach was used with the convergent parallel mixed design. The design allowed simultaneous combinations of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Six public primary schools were selected purposively while 198 respondents informed the study. These included the District Primary Educational Officer, Ward Educational Officers, Head Teachers, Discipline teachers, class teachers and parents. Both purposive and proportionate quota sampling techniques were used to obtain the respondents. Interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussion and documentary review were used to produce data for the research. Documentary review complimented the data obtained from in-depth interview, focus group discussion and questionnaires. Furthermore, qualitative data were analysed through content analysis while quantitative data were administered and evaluated descriptively by using SPSS version 26 to compute the frequency, mean and percentages. The analysis revealed that communication between parents and teachers, parents’ teachers’ meetings, classroom attendance and involvement of local government were the important strategies used by teachers and parents in controlling truancy. It was also revealed that PTC was effective in reducing truancy as the extent of pupil’s truancy was found to have been decreasing every year. Moreover, it was found that effective communication, education given to parents and teachers, regular meetings, prevention of family conflicts and involvement of local leaders are very important in improving collaboration between parents and teachers in managing pupils’ truancy. In conclusion, the study says that PTC enables parents and teachers to fulfil their responsibilities of nurturing a child while the pupils are at the home and at school. It is recommended that the government in collaboration with other stakeholders should provide education to the parents and teachers on the importance collaboration between the two groups hence reducing or removing truancy among pupils.
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    Integration of outdoor learning approach in implementation of competence-based curriculum: experience from public secondary schools in Igunga district
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Seni, Suzana E.
    This study explored the integration of outdoor learning approach (OLA) to school based instructions and learning in implementing competence-based curriculum (CBC) in public secondary schools. Qualitative research approach with case study design guided the study. Methods for data collection were interview, focus group discussion and document review. Data analysis conducted thematically. The research conducted in Igunga district in Tabora region. Sixty-nine informants purposively selected embedded with saturation from four public secondary schools. In this regard, 22 were students, 24 teachers, 12 parents, four heads of school (HoS), two ward education officers (WEO), one district education officer (DEO) and four heads of subject departments (HoD). The study found that outdoor learning activities vary across schools. Stakeholders who are teachers, students, DEO, WEO as well as parents are aware on how the approach is useful in implementing CBC. It exposes learners to real environment of which they actively learn. Through OLA, a learner integrates all domains of learning that is cognitive, affective and psychomotor which leads to competence in learning. The study also found that OLA conducted very rarely due to lack of supportive resources, administrative matters and issues related to security and safety during outdoor adventures. In addition, the education and training policy of 2014 puts little emphasis on CBC in the way that education for self-reliance (ESR) of 1967 did. It is therefore, suggested that there shall be proper utilisation of surrounding environment so as to run OLA for zero or minimal cost. This will help to unpack government load towards accommodating schools. Stakeholders should cooperate well on matters related to academics particulary teaching and learning approaches. Budget to implement OLA should be allocated and specified; more so, the available ETP policy should be revised. This research is on the stand that OLA is the best teaching and learning pedagogy to fully implement CBC in the way that other indoor pedagogies does not. It should therefore, be fully employed along with other methods for effective implementation of CBC.
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    Influence of safe learning environment on pupils’ attendance in public primary schools in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mwakyoma, Selina J.
    The study intended to investigate the influence of safe learning environment on pupils’ attendance in public primary schools in Tanzania. This study employed a mixed-methods research approach, incorporating surveys, observations, and interviews to comprehensively investigate the impact of school safety on pupils' attendance and academic performance. Seven public primary schools Longido were selected as the research sites, and data was collected from various stakeholders, including pupils, teachers, and school administrators. Quantitative data was analysed using statistical tools, while qualitative data was subjected to thematic analysis for a holistic understanding of the subject. The findings of the study revealed that Schools with secure fencing and well-maintained playgrounds exhibited higher Average Daily Attendance Rates (ADAR), recording a 17% and 13% increase in attendance, respectively, compared to those lacking such facilities. Also, it was revealed that school Safety and Academic Performance: A robust link was established between school safety and academic performance. Schools with minimal bullying incidents reported a pass rate that was 17% higher than their counterparts with frequent bullying issues. Additionally, the presence of well-equipped playgrounds was positively associated with a 17% higher pass rate. Moreover, the findings identified financial constraints and inadequacy challenges as common obstacles in managing school safety. Schools facing these issues demonstrated significantly lower ADAR and pass rates. To address these challenges, the study recommends the allocation of resources for infrastructure improvement, the implementation of awareness campaigns, and financial support, fostering a safer and more conducive educational environment. The study recommends comprehensive actions for policy development, including investments in school infrastructure, public awareness campaigns, and targeted financial support to improve school safety.
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    The role of heads of public secondary schools in involving parents in the management of students’ behaviours in Rufiji district, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mboma, Neema G.
    This study investigated strategies used by the heads of public secondary schools in Rufiji District, Tanzania to engage parents in managing students’ behaviour. The study used a qualitative approach and case study design with a sample of 37 participants (24 teachers, 4 heads of school, 8 parents, and 1 DEO). Data were collected through interviews, focus group discussions, and document reviews. The findings showed that heads of school were using strategies such as writing letters and making phone calls to request parents’ attendance at teacher-parent discipline meetings, and were using rewards and punishment to encourage or discourage student behaviour. The study also found that forming discipline committees and involving local government authorities were effective strategies. In addition, the findings showed that the challenges faced by school leaders in involving parents included: political interference, low parent attendance and response, low parental support in dealing with their children’s misbehaviour and use of abusive language. The study concludes that involving parents in managing students’ misbehaviour is important. The study recommends that the school administrations and teachers should adopt appropriate communication strategies that will help to improve parents’ response rates to school activities. To the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and school administrations, they should give psychological support to students through effective guidance and counselling programmes. It is also recommended for the school administrations to work closely with local government authorities in order to avoid unnecessary political interferences. The school administration and teachers should initiate programmes and activities that would influence the participation and support of the parents for the school including their participation in addressing students’ misbehaviours in schools.
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    Exploration of school leadership succession planning strategies among selected public primary schools in Dodoma city, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mufuruki, Deusdediti
    The purpose of the study was to explore the school leadership succession planning strategies among the selected public primary schools in Dodoma city, Tanzania. The study was guided by three specific objectives namely; to explore the school leadership qualities considered in school leadership succession planning in public primary schools, to examine the school leadership succession planning strategies used in public primary schools and to examine the perceptions of teachers towards appointment of public primary school leaders. The study used qualitative approach and employed descriptive phenomenological research design. The study involved 38 informants who included head teachers, deputy head teachers, teachers and ward education officers. Data were collected through in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The data generated were analyzed through thematic analysis procedures. The study revealed that the most considered qualities for school leadership succession planning include, commitment and hardworking, level of education, positive behavior and work experience. The study findings revealed that school succession planning strategies in public primary schools involve practical experiences and through different activities performed at schools which include job rotation, delegation of power, in service leadership training and teachers’ involvement in decision making. The study also revealed that the newly appointed head teachers receive induction course on school leadership after appointment. However, it was revealed that induction course is less continuously provided to the appointed head teachers. The study concluded that the strategies for school leadership succession planning are less formalized because teachers get leadership skills through practical experiences and activities performed at school. The head teacher’ prior formal training in school leadership before the appointment and in- service service training on school leadership after appointment is less provided in public primary schools. The study recommended formal programs to prepare the head teachers before being appointed as school leaders.
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    Secondary school teachers’ readiness to integrate ICT for enhancing school management efficiency: experience from Njombe town council
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Masoud, Filbert A.
    This study explored teachers’ readiness to integrate ICT for enhancing school management efficiency in public secondary schools. The specific objectives focused on teachers’ ICT literacy; how teachers integrate ICT in school management functions; teachers’ attitudes towards ICT usage; and how teachers mitigate challenges encountered while using ICT for carrying out school management functions in public secondary schools. Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Technology Organization Environment (TOE) were used to facilitate the whole process of gathering data, analysis and clarification. The study applied convergent research design in mixed approach, which comprises of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling were used to obtain a sample of 106 respondents. Data were gathered using questionnaire, observation schedule and interviews. Qualitative data were analysed thematically while quantitative data were analysed descriptively using percentages and frequencies in which Tables, charts and graphs enabled by SPSS version 20 and Microsoft Excel 2019. The findings revealed that, although most of teachers have average ICT competence, the gap is still noticeable in ICT managerial trainings rather than ICT trainings for basic ICT knowledge and skills. In addition, despite the scarcity of ICT tools in schools, teachers were recognised to share available or employ their ICT gadgets in facilitating students’ registration and transfer, financial management, data storage, and communication. Moreover, teachers were identified to have positive attitudes towards ICT integration due to their perceived profits in incorporating ICT. However, obstacles include paucity of ICT infrastructure, insufficient ICT budget, absence of technical assistants, internet problems and disruption of power supply. It was found that teachers were addressing those challenges through sharing available ICT resources, seeking external aid and harnessing alternative power sources. This study recommends that policy makers make appropriate decisions to facilitate ICT usage for enhancing management of secondary education. Thus, the study recommends for the improvement of ICT infrastructures, teacher’s ICT training, accessible communication network, ICT budget increase and improvement of EMIS/SIS.
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    Factors influencing secondary school students’ choice of subject combination in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Ikumbio, Linda
    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing secondary school students’ choice of subject combination in Nyamagana District Council in Mwanza City. The specific objectives of this study were: to assess the factors influencing secondary school students’ choosing subject combination, to examine the challenges facing secondary school students during the choice of subject combination and to determine the strategies to overcome the challenges that face secondary school students’ during choice of subject combination. The study employed a mixed research method approach and convergent parallel research design. Data were collected using questionnaire, semi structured interviews, and focus group discussion. A total of 176 participants were involved in the study that included 5 head of schools, 5 academic masters, 20 class teachers and 146 form five students. All of them were selected from 5 public secondary schools. The study employed purposive sampling to obtain the head of schools, academic masters, and class teachers whereas, stratified random sampling was used to obtain form five students. Quantitative data were analysed through Binary Logistic Regression Model whereby, descriptive and inferential statistics were generated and presented in figures and Tables. Moreover, qualitative data were analysed thematically and presented in text form including the use of quotes. The study findings showed that students’ choice of subject combination was influenced by their perceived combination easiness as reflected by their form four performance, potential availability of jobs after they completed their studies, peers and the parents influence as their primary caregivers who would wish success in their children’s academic life. Also, the findings showed that inadequate teaching and learning facilities, lack of career guidance services and insufficient teachers were among the factors hindering the interest of students in choosing subject combination. The suggested strategies to help students make better subject combination decision were such as giving career guidance, making teaching, and learning facilities available and having enough teachers. The study recommends for schools to conduct debates, clubs, and group discussion with a focus on career choice and subject combination. Also, the government should emphasize the implementation of formal school-based guidance and counselling services to include career guidance.
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    Inclusive education in Tanzania: assessing teachers’ knowledge, challenges, and strategies in managing children with disabilities in public primary schools
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Samwel, Lilian
    This study investigated the current state of inclusive education in Tanzania by examining teachers’ knowledge, challenges, and strategies in managing children with disabilities (CWDs) in inclusive public primary schools. Through a qualitative approach and a case study design, the research assesses teachers’ knowledge in managing CWDs, assesses the challenges they encounter, and uncovers strategies to overcome these challenges. This study was guided by the contact theory. Thematic analysis was used to develop codes, meanings, and patterns from the transcribed interviews based on the studys’ objectives. A purposive non-probability sampling technique was used to select three schools from three wards. Ten participants were involved in each selected school. The findings reveal that teachers demonstrate some awareness of inclusive education, but their knowledge is limited. The challenges faced by teachers in managing CWDs within inclusive settings include a lack of specialized training, inadequate teaching and learning materials, and negative attitudes from both teachers and parents. To address these issues, it was recommended that the government to provide professional development to teachers concerning inclusive education in all public primary schools. Besides, to ensure the fostering of positive attitudes towards children with disabilities. By implementing these recommendations, Tanzania can promote inclusive education practices and create more supportive and inclusive learning environments for children with disabilities in public primary schools.
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    Management of professional life and motherhood: lived experiences of mothering teachers among primary schools in Madaba council, Tanzania.
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Kapinga, Frederick
    This study explored the experiences of mothering teachers in the management of professional life and motherhood in public primary schools in Tanzania. The study focused on practices in managing professional life and motherhood responsibilities, the challenges facing mothering teachers in shouldering the two roles, and the coping strategies applied by mothering teachers in handling the dual roles. The study was informed by work-family conflict theory and adopted a qualitative approach with a phenomenological research design. A total of 31 mothering teachers were involved in the study. Interviews, focus group discussions, and document reviews were used as methods for collecting data, which were analysed thematically. The study findings show that most mothering teachers adjust their lifestyles, manage time effectively, prioritize activities, and establish role boundaries to balance their professional and motherhood responsibilities. The study also found that mothering teachers face challenges such as tiredness, time constraints, emotional problems, inadequate parental care, and long-distance work. To cope with the challenges, strategies such as the use of house helpers, support, overworking, and sacrificing one role. They also use day-care centres and forge permission to manage their professional and motherhood responsibilities effectively. The study concluded that the mothering teachers are not happy with the management of professional life and motherhood due to the challenges they face. Therefore, educational stakeholders and mothering should put more efforts into improving working conditions, such as the establishment of accommodation facilities and nursing rooms in workplaces, to relieve the mothering teachers.
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    Teachers’ participation in school decision making towards job satisfaction in public primary schools in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Ruth, Kaaya
    This study set out to determine whether teachers' involvement in school decision making and their happiness with their work were related. The study investigated the involvement of teachers in decision-making among public elementary schools in Tanzania's Kisarawe district, Pwani region. Concurrent triangulation design was mostly used in this study through a mixed research methodology. The Mary Follet Human Connections Theory served as the study's foundation. The sample size was made of 271 respondents who were chosen using random convenience and purposive sampling procedures (180 classroom teachers, 74 head teachers, and 17 Ward Education Officers). Data were gathered through surveys, interviews, and a review of the available documentation. IBM statistical software for the social sciences was used for analysis (SPSS). The study's conclusions showed that teachers' involvement in decision-making processes in their workplaces significantly increased their sense of job satisfaction. However, execution was lacking. Further, the practice in the school shows that the teachers’ participation level was not satisfactory. Some ways and patterns of involvement were revealed, such as staff meeting in departmental meetings and school committee meetings. The decision-making participation in public primary schools was not effectively done due to various reasons. These were such as time constraints, the types of decisions that teachers knew how to make and how they communicated with one another, as well as the head teacher's resistance. These were found to be the key obstacles to teachers' successful engagement in decision-making processes. The study recommends for school administrators to acknowledge and accept that some teaching-related tasks must be completed with teachers' participation rather than according to their wishes. Also, education administrators must acknowledge the role of teachers in decision making. Although not every time and in everything; it is necessary to involve teachers to contribute in important issues in schools. In addition, head teachers should ensure that all meetings have well scheduled timelines and are done basing on the arranged time and date to avoid inconveniences that make teachers fail to participate effectively in such meetings.
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    Effectiveness of force account management in public primary school construction in Tanzania. Experience from Simiyu region
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Saire, Hamza H.
    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of force account management in the construction of public primary school projects in Tanzania. The study had three specific objectives: To assess the perceptions of force account project implementers on the time and cost used in implementing the construction of projects in public primary schools, to assess the process for appointing committee members in primary school Construction under force account, and to examine the challenges facing the FA implementers during the construction of primary school projects. The study was guided by the Resource Dependence Theory (RDT) by Johnson Jr. (1995). The study was conducted in Bariadi Town Council, within the Simiyu region of Tanzania. The study employed a convergent research design with a mixed research approach. Moreover, the study participants were 125, including 110 primary school teachers and 15 key informants such as the Town Director, Town Education Officer, Construction Engineer, Internal Auditor, Procurement Management Unit, and head teachers. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire for teachers and interviews for key informants. Validity and reliability were ensured through various measures, including instrument review, pre-testing, and translation, and all ethical considerations were adhered to. The findings revealed a positive perception toward FAM among its implementers due to the great efficiency that has been achieved in implementing projects under FAM. This is attributed to various advantages offered by the approach, such as cost reduction measures, improved monitoring and evaluation of the project, and improved community participation. Furthermore, findings indicate several challenges that need to be resolved to improve the effectiveness of the FAM, such as cost fluctuation, interference in decision-making, and lack of skilled personnel. This study concludes that FAM has been effective in constructing projects in primary schools and is a user-friendly procurement method for schools in Tanzania. FAM has many advantages in implementing construction projects compared to other methods, especially the competitive tendering method. The study recommends immediate action the administrators should take to streamline procurement processes by establishing clear guidelines, standardizing material specifications, efficient procurement practices, increasing money in school budget allocation, and including contingency plans to tackle the abovementioned challenges.
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    The role of heads of schools’ responsibility allowance in the management of public secondary schools in Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Godfrey, Gonza
    The principal objective of this study was to examine the role of heads of schools’ responsibility allowance in the management of public secondary schools in Tanzania. The study was guided by three specific objectives: (i) to assess the heads of schools’ perspectives on the responsibility allowance in the management of public secondary schools in Tanzania; (ii) to examine the effects of heads of schools’ responsibility allowance in the management of public secondary schools in Tanzania ;(iii) to explore the teachers’ perspectives on heads of schools’ responsibility allowance in the management of public secondary schools in Tanzania. A qualitative approach was used to collect information from respondents where interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGDs) and documentary review were administered to respondents to collect qualitative data from district education officers, heads of schools’ ward education officer and teaching staff. The findings showed that, heads of schools had affirmative perspective towards the heads of school responsibility allowance which are both positive and negative effects on public secondary schools. The positive effects of the RA included the increase of the accountability and improved working condition for heads of schools to comfortably execute their school managerial duties with morale and alike. On the other hand the. Negative effects include the decrease of trustworthiness, unfair treatment between employees thus, the rewarding system must be reformed to a fairness which will not just benefit the school management only but rather other teachers as well. It is concluded that, heads of schools’ responsibility allowance can bring about positive effects in public secondary schools when heads of schools use them accordingly as intended, otherwise it will create adversity between heads of schools and the teaching staff. Furthermore, the study recommends that, the government should provide some allowances to regular teachers as well who are dedicated to both academic and administrative tasks.
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    Integrated community-based adult education for women economic empowerment: a case of small-scale entrepreneurship businesses in Songea municipality, Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Mwamkinga, Frida G.
    This study investigated the Integrated Community-Based Adult Education for women’s economic empowerment. The study examined the impacts of skills offered through Integrated Community-Based Adult Education (ICBAE) for women’s economic empowerment in small-scale entrepreneurship. It also, explored women’s perceptions towards the role of ICBAE for women’s economic empowerment. More so, it assessed the challenges facing women in acquiring entrepreneurship skills through the ICBAE to improve their production and incomes. The study was guided by Human Capital Theory and Transformative Learning Theory respectively. The participants in this study were randomly selected in which a total number of 78 women participated in the study. Other participants were purposively selected including one District Education Officer (DEO), one Adult Education Officer (AEO), three Ward Education Officers (WEO) and nine Facilitators. The study used a mixed research method in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed. The methods used in data collection were questionnaire, interview, observation and documentary review. The thematic analysis framework was used to analyze qualitative data while descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. The study revealed that ICBAE has empowered women by equipping them with economic skills which helped them to improve their life in Songea Municipality. However, some of women have short of some intended skills. The percentage of the preferred activities were low compared to other skills which are soap making 7(9%), handcraft 7 (9%) and making batik 7 (9%), as presented in Table 4.3. This implies that some skills were not offered effectively in the ICBAE centres hence making women lack those economic skills. The findings further revealed that, women perceive ICBAE positively and negatively, although they mention different challenges that face in the process of acquiring and applying the acquired skills. The study concluded that the facilitators should prepare contents that emphasize the use of the flexible adult education curriculum, due to the fact that, the majority of adult learners need self-direction. The policy guiding adult education in Tanzania should be in place since it is an important tool in making sure that, the objectives of adult education in Tanzania are realized.
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    Factors affecting children’s access to primary education in seasonal flood prone areas in Tanzania.
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Kiberenge, Batuli S.
    This study assessed the factors affecting children’s access to primary education in seasonal flood-prone areas in Chemba District in Tanzania. This mixed methods study assessed factors affecting school-age children’s enrolment in primary school in seasonal flood-prone areas, examined the factors affecting the pupils’ school attendance in seasonal flood-prone areas, explored flood-related factors affecting teaching and learning activities in the seasonal flood-prone primary schools and evaluated the strategies employed to promote access to primary education in seasonal flood-prone areas. This cross-sectional survey study comprised 348 household samples selected from three villages, including Kaloleni, Mrijo Chini, and Olboroti in Mrijo Ward of Chemba District. Forty individuals, including 35 teachers and 5 Chemba District Council officials, participated in individual interview. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse quantitative data, while thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data. Results revealed that household-related factors, including the age of the head of household, the level of education of the head of household, household size, and household location, significantly influenced the enrolment of school-aged children. Flood-related factors such as family displacement and impassable roads and footpaths led to reduced enrolment among school-aged children, low pupils’ school attendance, long-term absenteeism, and school dropout. The study found significant higher school attendance among pupils from male headed households, households with heads aged below 46 years, households with heads educated above primary education, households with less than seven members, and pupils using bicycles as means of transport to school. School attendance was significantly low among pupils from pastoral households and households affected by floods. Teaching and learning processes were apparently affected by low pupils’ participation in learning, insufficient instructional time and consequently ineffective coverage of the learning content. Monetary and non-monetary contributions,establishment of satellite schools, enforcing by-laws and remedial classes were the most common practices employed to ensure pupils complete their primary education cycle. The study recommends that the community and the government should improve their partnership to ensure the school-aged children’s access to primary education. In addition, the local governments should improve institutional mechanisms to ensure the school-aged children in flood-prone areas were enrolled in primary schools attend, learn, and successfully complete a cycle of primary education.
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    Implementation of learning management system for enhancing e-learning in Tanzanian universities
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Chasubuta, Aines R.
    The study aimed at assessing the implementation of Learning Management System (LMS) in universities in Tanzania. Its specific objective was to explore student-teachers’ technological literacy on the use of LMS for enhancing e-learning, to determine student-teachers’ attitudes towards the use of LMS for enhancing e-learning and to assess facilitating conditions towards the adoption of LMS for e-learning. The Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT) and Technology Organization Environment (TOE) framework guided the process of data collection and data analysis. The mixed methods approach was employed whereby the convergent parallel design was used. Two public universities were selected purposively whereby 411 respondents were involved in the study. The study included student-teachers and instructors. Simple random sampling, purposive and convenience sampling were employed to obtain the study respondents. The methods of data collection were questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussion. Furthermore, thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data and quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS version 21. The findings indicated that instructors have limited digital skills due to inadequate training opportunities which in turn affects students’ acquisition of digital skills. It was also revealed that student-teachers have positive attitudes towards the use of LMS in learning although it is limited by different factors such as internet connectivity, a lack of motivation, and lack of instructions. Furthermore, it was found that student-teachers have limited technological-based collaborative strategies in their learning. Moreover, it was found that there are multiple factors that contribute to facilitative and inhibitive conditions towards the use of LMS for enhancing e-learning. It was concluded that LMS is inadequately implemented in universities due to limited digital prioritization. It is recommended that universities should revise and make necessary changes to the curriculum used to accommodate the emerging digital solutions.
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    Role of education stakeholders in managing discipline among day public secondary school students living in rented houses in Tanzania: a case of Nzega district in Tabora - Tanzania
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Augustino, Elizabeth
    This study investigated the role of education stakeholders in managing discipline among day public secondary school students living in rented houses in Tabora, Tanzania. Specifically, the study was conducted in Nzega District. Social control theory guided this study. A qualitative research approach was employed coupled with a case study design. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select heads of schools, discipline masters, parents, landlords, community members and students. Seventy one (71) respondents were involved in the study. Moreover, data were collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, observation and documentary review. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data. The study finding revealed that, rented house environment did not adequately support management of students’ discipline. Findings from observations indicate that among 15 rented houses 14 lacked fence, security guards, rules and regulations to control students’ discipline. Besides, the study findings revealed that stakeholders including parents, teachers and community members used different strategies to manage day public secondary schools’ students’ discipline who are living in rented houses. These are guidance and counseling services, enforcement of school rules and regulations, regular examination of students’ attendance, collaboration between parents and local government, provision of student needs, visiting and monitoring their children. Moreover, community members were involved in managing students' discipline by making communication with parents and school management. Furthermore, the study findings revealed challenges affecting the management of discipline among day public secondary schools’ students living in rented houses. Lack of reliable communication channels, shortage of school supplies and poor provision of students’ needs, poor housing condition and services were reported to be the main challenges. The study recommends that schools should work more closely with parents and community members to develop a comprehensive plan for managing discipline among students including those living in rented houses. This plan should include clear rules and regulations, as well as regular communication between all stakeholders. The government and responsible authorities to draw attention on the issue of students living in rented houses by formulating policies that direct landlords to be responsible for providing environment that control students discipline.
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    Teacher-parent partnership in promoting social and emotional learning competencies among secondary school students in Tanzania: A case of Mbeya city
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Enos, Jumanne
    This study intended to gain insights into the role of teacher-parent partnership in promoting social and emotional learning competencies among ordinary level secondary school students in Mbeya City, Tanzania. The particular focus was placed on self-awareness and responsible decision-making. The study sought to answer three main research questions which include: What strategies do teachers and parents employ in their effort to promote students’ competencies in self-awareness and responsible decision-making? How effective are the teacher-parent partnerships in promoting students’ competencies in self-awareness and responsible decision-making? What factors compromise teacher-parent partnership in promoting students’ competencies in self-awareness and responsible decision-making? The main study approach was qualitative and a case study design was employed. Focus group discussions, documentary analysis, and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools and were thematically analysed. The study identified diverse strategies that teachers and parents use to promote self-awareness and responsible decision-making. Findings, furthermore, revealed that, teacher-parent partnerships, particularly in the promotion of self-awareness and responsible decision-making, improved academic performance, reduced dropout, truancy and teenage pregnancies. Factors such as poor turn-up of parents in school meetings and poor educational background compromised the overall endeavours for students to develop various self-awareness and responsible decision-making-related competencies. It was concluded that, teacher-parent partnership is very vital in enhancing students’ self-awareness and responsible decision-making competencies. The study provides recommendations for policy and practices, and identified areas for further investigation.
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    The influence of 16 coursework cut-off point at The University of Dodoma on undergraduate students’ learning
    (The University of Dodoma, 2023) Owino, Pinto
    The study explored the influence of 16 Coursework Cut-off Point (CWCP) at the University of Dodoma on undergraduate students learning. Its specific focus was on the influence of 16 CWCP on students learning process, the contribution of 16 CWCP towards students’ academic performance and finally challenges facing the implementation of 16 CWCP. The behavioural learning theory guided the whole process of data collection and analysis of this study. The mixed method approach was employed in this study whereby convergent design was used. There were 414 respondents including 368 undergraduate students, 1 Student Minister of Education (SME), 10 Students Class Representatives (CRs), 30 University lecturers, 1 Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), 3 Head of Departments (HoD) and 1 Coordinator of Undergraduate Students (CUS). Moreover, the methods used for data collection were semi-structured interview, questionnaire and documentary review. Furthermore, thematic analysis and descriptive statistics were employed to analyse qualitative and quantitative data respectively. Results indicated that, most of students have positive attitude on the use of 16 CWCP for enhancing undergraduate students learning at the University. It was further revealed that CWCP system encourages students to concentrate on personal studies, increases attendance rate in lectures and participation in continuous assessment tasks. It was also revealed that, CWCP have increased number of students’ passes and decrease number of students supplementary. Though on the other side CWCP has resulted into increase in number of carryovers, discontinuation and appeals cases. Furthermore, the challenges found were the delay of students to register carryover courses, inconsistence of the guideline, disruption of examination timetable and increased workload to lecturers. Based on study finding, it is concluded that CWCP increase students commitment during learning process and improves students’ performance. The study recommends conscientization on CWCP should be integrated during first year orientation after the admission for the purpose of helping students to understand it and its consequences, provision of second chance to students with carryovers.